It's another sweltering day here in the northeast. We hit 91* yesterday and should hit 88* today. There are more clouds today not the clear blue sky but the heat is here. The horses are sweating just standing in the barn with the overhead fans on. I can't imagine making them work on days like this. I hose them off and that helps cool them down for a time and I'm sure it feels good to them getting all the sweaty salt off them. There was a show this weekend and I can't imagine being out in that heat all day working in a dusty ring. I was glad I was at the lake! :o)
I have been on a cleaning binge. My upstairs has had an almost complete overhaul. I still have two closets to do in the guest rooms but almost everything else has been done. I have sold, given away and thrown out. Why do we accumulate 'stuff'!? I bought a new bedroom set for one guest room with a queen size bed as it just had a double and my company always grumbles a bit! ha! The salesman told me that he could sell me what they call a 'mother in law' mattress to put on the new bed. Lumpy so that the MIL doesn't visit too long. I thought that was rather mean, but to some people maybe needed. :o)
I don't have a MIL, she passed away about 15 years ago. I still miss her every day. We had a wonderful relationship and I feel badly that she didn't get to see my SIL's triplets and all of the great grandchilden in the family now. She had a lovely voice and sang in a trio and choir at our church for years along with teaching Sunday School and working in Awana. I'm so glad that we will all see her again someday in heaven.
Took some more pictures of my flowers this morning. All of this hot weather has spurred the growth of the flowers and the veggie plants. The veggies don't really have time to catch up but we will get a few things.
I have several varieties of hydrangea and they are starting to really bloom.
This one isn't quite out completely but is very fragrant.
It's been the nicest weekend of the summer. Of course we went to the lake to enjoy all the fun things that we do there. Blogger is not getting along with me and I tried cutting and pasting to no avail so here are the pictures in no particular order.
This is me and Miss T heading out in the boat. I love Miss T's hair in braids and of course I have the windblown look with the hair standing on end! :o)
This is my sister Jill, doesn't she look like a younger version of me?
Here goes my niece Ashley and D on the tube!
Is anyone else still having trouble putting their pictures where they want them? Don't you usually just go to the arrow on the side and place them? Mine still won't do that so I tried to work around it but it took me twice as long and I'm fuming again at Blogger. Sigh......I know it's not earth shattering but it is annoying. There, I feel better. Amen.
Miss Pea over at Pea's Corner is having a fun give away this week! You will see spots before your eyes when you go check it out but it's worth the visit!! Thanks Miss Pea for such a fun Give Away and I will expect to win of course!! :o)
Thank you to my two friends KC over at Mindless Chatter of a Busy Mom and Tina at Palm Tree Fanatic for this award! This award really sums up what I try to accomplish in this world of blogging and I thank them for it!!
It's another beautiful sunny day here in north country. I decided I'd better get out and get some pictures of my summer flowers as they are predicting temps down in the 40's at night so I think fall will be coming soon. Blogger is still being a stinker and not letting me put my pictures where I want them so I am taking Mary's advice and putting in my writing as I go along.
This is bee balm and it really does call the bees and butterflies.
Purple bee balm.