I also got word that the princess wall hanging arrived for Izabel and Emily the two little cuties who love purple and pink. Check it out at The Cracker Jacks, their blog. This Mom has done a FANTASTIC job creating this site to keep a journal about her two little girls including pictures, journaling and videos. How I wish this had been available when my son was a baby, we just had baby books to write things in and the older he got the less I wrote. Now with all of this technology you can have an absolutely beautiful way of chronicling their lives.
Sunday night was Parents Night at Awana and both Son and DIL work in the group so T invited me to come downstairs and be her guest. It's the next to last night of Awana with the closing program next week. There was pizza and punch for all and we enjoyed every bit of it!
I was at my chiropractor's office today to get twisted like a pretzel and cracked. It's not as bad as it sounds, it really helps. He only has Chiropractor magazines in the waiting room, no People, Ladies Home Journal, Popular Mechanics or anything else entertaining but I do like the cartoons.
I hope you can see this one, I enlarged it as much as I could. The chiropractor is putting water out in front of his office in the wintertime to make ice so that people fall and need to come in for an adjustment. It's titled When Chiropractors Go Bad. My chiropractor is really nice and takes a lot of ribbing from me and my Dad as we go there regularly. Dad calls him his chirocracktor!
It's still raining, I'm wondering if I should start building an ark?