Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I’mb all nuffed up!



lady and her cats at the computer

Has anyone noticed that the price of tissues has gone up?  When you are going through almost a box per day it gets a little pricey!  I have been dealing with the worst case of the creeping crud that I have had in years and it still persists.  Coughing.  Blowing ones nose.  Snuffing.  Honking.  Coughing some more. I did go see my doctor and she checked for pneumonia but so far so good that is not the case. 

After just so many reruns of I Love Lucy and Little House On the Prairie I decided to putter away on my craft closet when I felt up to it.  Over the last week I have filled three horse grain bags full of stuff, mostly scraps of paper that I was saving for another project not unlike ones fabric scraps.

I did come across some interesting things that I had forgotten about that came into my hands through a box of old cards.  I did block out the names as these people are probably still around here somewhere but I think the box came out of a house that was being sold as they had passed on.  Please excuse the ramblings of a cough medicine dependant person…..

Just to show you how things have gone up over the years take a look at this bill they got when they had a baby.  No SHE had the baby,  I still don’t get this WE are pregnant deal but that’s a rant for another time although I think I may have already ranted about it……..I digress……

hospital bill2 

In case this doesn't come though large enough to read I will print some of the charges.

Room, board, nursing care for 7 days @ $6.00 per day   $42.00

Nursery and Attendance for 6 days @ $1.50 per day      $9.00

Operating room fee and Delivery                                 $10.00

Laboratory                                                              $1.20

For a total                                                               $62.20

Also in this stack of papers was the receipt of the $10.00 deposit that they had to pay before the baby arrived.  And a receipt for the $12.20 that they owed on their ‘house’ account.

hospital bill234 

These people kept meticulous records as there was also the slip for the $50.00 cash that they paid.  Paid In Full for that new baby! How exciting it must have been for them!

Four years earlier they applied for a marriage license as the husband was in the army and was home for a short furlough. They wanted to waive the blood test that we all had to have back in the olden days.   It says ‘due to the national emergency we wish to be married without delay’ and it was granted. 

hospital bill2345

Now I know another young couple that got married while the husband was in the war and that would be my parents, you know, Snowbird and Snowbird Jr.  There was an envelope amidst all the stuff I went through with pictures that my cousin sent me a while back.

hospital bill23456

My Mom had to travel to Oklahoma to meet up with my Dad to get married which they did.  When he had to return to the war she came back and lived with my grandparents on the farm.  That’s my Mom in front and my Dad on the right holding my uncle and my grandparents on the left.

hospital bill234567

He sent her pictures regularly.   These were taken in Germany.

hospital bill2345678

Here he is with some of his buddies.

hospital bill23456789

hospital bill2345678910

After the war Dad came home and they settled in on the farm beside my grandparents.  My two older sisters came along and this picture was in that envelope too.  Three years later I was born then after seven years my younger sister and brother arrived.  :o)

hospital bill2345678911

It’s been fun going though so much stuff and finding some treasures.  I must make copies and shared them with my siblings.  Oh, there was one last picture that I think I will share with you all but my mother will probably kill me when she gets home from Florida………  WOOHOO!

Bill and Ginny in Florida


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Sorry I have not been over in a while but so happy I did not miss this post.
Wonderful pictures of your mom and dad. Isn't it great to find memories hidden away to enjoy when their found.
So very sorry you are so sick. I hope the crud goes away soon

Needled Mom said...

What a fun post!!! I love looking at the old pictures. My MIL met my FIL in NJ to get married before he headed off, but she went to live in NYC while he was away.

Those old statements were hysterical. I still have the bill from our oldest son. He cost us $7.42!!!! He has been a lot more expensive to raise. lol

I'm so sorry that you are still feeling so yucky. That was one nasty bug. I can't remember feeling so bad for so long as this year. I wonder why the tissue cost has gone up. Hmmm?????

Take care and feel better soon. Hugs.

Sharon said...

What great memories you did find.
So sorry to hear you are still under the weather. That crud hangs on for a long time. I know what you are going through. Take care of yourself so that it don't get worst for you.
Yes, the cost of tissues is like everything it is getting out of hand.
I think having a baby back then and coming up with the money was probably as hard as it is today. I can not believe that amount. Our boys were in the hundreds and our last grandson was in the thousands.
Glad I had mine years ago.I could not afford to have one at today's prices.LOL
My mom and dad got married just before in went overseas also.

We are going to get freezing rain and more snow tonight and into the weekend.
Prayers for you.

Carole Burant said...

Ooooooh look at those legs...*whistles*...hehe! Let me know if your mom kills you! lol What a great bunch of pictures, I just love looking at old pictures like that. It had to be so hard for newlyweds back then when the husband would have to return to war. The loneliness for both of them would be so hard to get through.

You poor dear, I do hope you can get through this crud in one piece!! If it's the same virus so many of us had over here, it lasts a long time. I know mom had it for over a month, the coughing just wouldn't go away.

Those statements were a hoot but I imagine back then anything over $10 was considered expensive. I still have the statements from when my boys were born and it was in the couple of hundred dollars mark. I'm sure now it's much more expensive!!

It's 18f right now and it was -2F when I left this morning to bring mom shopping. Was glad to get back home and out of that frigid wind. I want Spring NOW!!!! lol

Have a roast beef cooking in the oven and must now go peel some potatoes and turnip. Love you dearly. xoxoxoxo

Rising Rainbow said...

Sorry you're still not feeling well but it does look like you're finding some fun stuff to keep you occupied.

I can't even imagine $62 as a hospital bill of any kind, let alone having a baby.

Old family pics are amazing. I'm glad you have some of those memories. That is very cool.

Hope you feel better soon.

Val said...

Oh I absolutely loved this post except for you being sick. I love seeing old pictures. You have some treasures there. That is for sure. Get better soon.

Anita said...

Entertaining post. :) I like all the pictures. The sibling picture: speaking of "Little House on the Prairie" - your sister in with the blond riglets reminds me of the Nellie character.

And tell your Mom that the Coca Cola bottle figure was hot back then. :) Maybe it still is...hmmm...

I just finished listening to a book on tape, The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw; several individual stories of people who served, or supported the effort here in the states.

I thought I was the only one who thinks it's not necessary (to put it nicely) to say, "we're pregnant." My husband wasn't pregnant! Are we taking politically correct overboard?

Guess I've said enough. :)

Feel better very soon.

sue said...

this must be a "winter thing to do" in our great state... we did the same thing last Friday with the fam... went thru the old slides.... keep warm, we're in for a chilly weekend.

Dawn said...

So sorry you're still dripping and coughing! But you did accomplish something in the midst of it. Those prices - amazing. I saw the bill for my second brother's birth and it was very similar - in 1953.

The pictures are great - my parents have one that looks a lot like the one of your folks by the car. I need to go and look at some more old photos, because they help me with posting - I've run out of words and maybe they would start the faucet going again! I did a post tonight, when I should be sleeping, about how dry I am!

I hope you feel better soon!

palmtreefanatic said...

how neat! loved seeing the old photos! Great quickly time flies!
Hope your feeling better!