Okay, I think I am back in business thanks to my BFF Pea over at Pea's Corner! I have just purchased an additional quota of pictures to use on my site. Pea sent me a website to go to for help and it walked me easily through it. Now it might take up to 24 hours to become active but I can live with that. :o) Thanks Miss Pea!! xoxo
It's been another glorious sunny, breezy day here in the north woods. I wish I'd had some sheets to hang out on the line as it was the perfect day to dry them. I just changed them so didn't think I'd tear everything apart again. Mar*tha Ste*wart I am not. Well, if I had all the help she has I would've rung the bell and asked someone else to do it but I'm not and I don't. Don't get me wrong, I think she is an amazing person and has some wonderful ideas. She has marketed herself so well over the years and even made an amazing comeback after her debacle with the Feds. I even tried to peek over her stone wall around her house once when I was in Conn. visiting a friend. I have no pride. I am also lucky no one called the cops.....
Congratulations to my niece Lauren who got her drivers license this week! She is the one that comes up and rides Nick for me in the summertime. He's the one that needs a job. Badly. He is too young to be just standing around looking gorgeous in the pasture. I don't want to lease him out as I want him here at home with us in the summer but I do wish I had someone to ride him more regularly. He's gotten rather spoiled and lazy.
All the guys got their bridle paths clipped this week and their whiskers snipped off. Also I like to trim off the winter hair around their feet as it keeps them from getting what we call 'scratches' from the mud. Now they aren't really scratches like a scratch but something they get out of the mud that makes scabbie things on their legs that have to be treated. Now I know you non-horse people are just loving reading about digging scabs off horses legs but it all goes with it. :o)
Everyone got wormed too. They don't mind it except poor little Skipper who is my rescue pony. He just freaks out when you try to put the wormer tube in his mouth to squirt the paste in. I don't think he had even been wormed before we got him and that probably contributed to his weight being so low along with not being fed enough. We finally got the wormer into him and once he figures out it is going to happen he is fine, it's just the five or so minutes before that where he rears up and tries to get away and is really frightened. He's not being bad, he's just scared. I try to reassure him and once he has it over and done with I give him some good rubs on the neck and a treat.
I had a meeting today at the Humane Society. I don't know where my head was as I didn't take any pictures and there were some of the cutest puppies there to look at!! One Mom had NINE Labradoodle puppies! They are so adorable. Remember the President was considering a Labbydoodle but ended up getting a water dog? Sniff.......I would have taken the labbydoodle! There was also the cutest pug there that I wanted to bring home! He was shivering from nerves as he was due to go in and be neutered in a few minutes.
Are you all concerned about the swine flu? I am getting ready to haul my grand kids out of school and home school them to keep them out of the germs but I guess Son and DIL wouldn't let me do that. I am naturally a little germaphobic anyway and this has not helped. I guess you can't find a face mask in the stores now. Glad I have some on hand.... :o) Also rubber gloves, I have a whole box of those. And hand sanitizer.
Well Blogger is going to stick to it's guns and keep me waiting the few hours until it lets me download some pictures. Sigh..... I thought I might luck out and at least get a graphic early! I guess tomorrow will have to be soon enough.
Do any of you watch Dancing With The Stars? I can't dance at all but I love watching other people dance. I really liked the couple that is really a couple in real life, the dancer and the singer but they got booted the other night. I thought the rodeo bull rider would have gone before they did. Guess that shows all that I know...... Also American Idol is getting down to the wire and the competition is hot! I don't have a clue who will win this one but if I were to guess it would be Adam, probably now I have jinxed him! Sorry Adam.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Blogger and I are friends again.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm mad at Blogger!
Tuesday already. When I think of how for a year or so I posted every day it blows my mind. Now I am lucky to get three posts per week out. It's either that I am really busy doing other things or that there just isn't enough going on here to write about. I prefer the former rather then the later.
In my quest to get Barney The Barn Cat tame enough to live in the house I have started feeding him on the back deck rather then in the barn. I think if he spends more time around the house and the goings on here he will get used to us quicker then living his solitary life in the hay loft. He has been coming out more and playing with Noodles on the back lawn so that is when I made the decision not to take food down to the barn each day but urge him to come up here to eat. It has worked beautifully, he watches for me to bring the food out on the deck, waits till all is clear and then comes and eats. One step forward!
The week of school vacation I called T and D to see if they wanted to come over and play for a while which they did. Then I decided to take them to the feed store to see the baby goats that are there for sale. The feed store has a long time resident rabbit named Stuart and when we walked in we saw Mr. Stuart in the pen with the goats! He was right at home with them, I think he likes the company and was even letting one of them chew on one of his big ears!
For some reason Blogger isn't letting me download any pictures. Grrrrrrrrrrrr..... It is saying that I have exceeded my photo quota. Now what does that mean?????!!! Anyone know what this is all about???? Blogging without pictures just quite 'ain't' the same!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Weekend Get Away
We finally got our little weekend get away in after all the chaos that's been the case around here the past couple of weeks. Our temperatures went up about 30* which was nice except I didn't take any capris or sandals so was kind of hot. Not complaining though, as we have waited a long time to get temps almost 80*We got on the road about 7 Friday morning to head to Portland. It's a really pretty drive down 95 with lots of farm land to look at. We passed a big truck loaded with round bales. I yelled for him to drop them off at my place but he didn't pay any attention.......rats! Hey Mister! My horses want some of those round bales!!! I'm sure he was thinking why is this crazy woman taking pictures of my truck as I took four or five as we passed him.

After a few hours at Jokers we headed to the mall where I went to Chico's and the kids did Build A Bear.

Next week my kitchen should be finished. Yippee! Mom and I have gotten most everything put back in the cupboards. I am waiting now for the electrician to get the power to the dishwasher, stoves and microwave and put the plates on the outlets. The painter has to come and touch up the ceiling and do above the cupboards and then we will be done. Again, yippee! It's been a process but is sure worth it to have a nice bright kitchen where everything works, doors stay closed, the fan doesn't sound like a jackhammer, drawers open, etc Pictures in a few days. :o)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thank you everyone!
First and foremost, thank you all for your kind words and prayers this week. One person put it so right when she said that this is where the blogging community is at it's best, upholding one another in prayer. (thank you Carrol family!)

Speaking of refrigerators, little D came in last night after church and wanted a juice box so headed for the refrigerator............."Grammie, is your refrigerator invisable?" he asked. I told him for the moment I didn't have one so he would have to go over to the apartment and get something out of Mimi's refrigerator. That worked and he was happy. :>) My invisible refrigerator!

Gotta love this one!!!

T's was also pretty and creative.

Even a little pop out!

I loved the signs that they brought me.

It was a fun time and the best present for me was having my family here with me. We are planning a little overnighter in Portland soon too so that will be fun. I like to go to the big city occasionally. And then I like to come home. Amen.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Family Weekend
Friday, April 10, 2009
Random Friday
Do you ever sit down at the computer and not have one single thing to say? It's Random Friday and I don't have any randomness to talk about. Kitchen remodel is coming along. The counter top is going to be installed on Monday. I had a shot in my heel yesterday. That's always exciting. Bone spurs can be really entertaining. Now they are talking surgery and 12 weeks being in a cast for each foot. I think not. Well unless it gets so bad that I can't stand it any more. So that would be 24 weeks, six months. Ugg. So I either lose all summer of horseback riding or all winter of snowmobiling. I guess I would much rather lose the snowmobiling then the horseback riding, even though I fall off my horse more then my snowmobile. :o) Not really.
We are going out for Easter lunch. That's one thing about not having a kitchen, you don't have to cook for anyone. We've eaten out way too much lately. My waistband is complaining. I had the best salad at Longhorn yesterday with greens, mandarin oranges, crumbled cheese, strawberries, grapes and a nice light dressing. It was a meal in itself but I didn't know it was going to be so big so I ordered Parmesan chicken with a sweet potato too. It was soooooooo good!
You can see that I am struggling here to fill up space.
The snow is all gone.
The turkeys are trying to attract mates and being very vocal about it. They walk around with their feathers all puffed up and their heads a funny shade of bluish white. I guess that's supposed to be attractive to the lady turkeys.
Someone sent us an unsigned letter about feeding the deer. Sigh...... How about signing your name and we can talk about it?
Anywho that's it from Mud Country. I hope you all have a very special Easter. We all have so much to be thankful for and are so blessed!
Hallelujah, He Is Risen!
Job 19:25
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday Musings

Miss T.

Mr. D.

Son helping D get his car lined up on the track.

Awana is a wonderful youth program. We have had it in our church for well over 20 years. The children learn the Word of God and have tons of fun doing all kinds of activities. I know some of you have this same program in your church. Son went through this same program when he was a youngster and now he is the director of the Sparks program. His Momma is proud! :o)

Friday, April 3, 2009
Random Friday
They arrived yesterday morning and I was doing the happy dance all over the house!

Of course now I am trying to come up with what I want to put on top of the cabinets. At Christmastime I will be putting up my Dept. 56 villages which I think will look so festive but in the mean time I'm still not sure. My Mom has roosters on hers and they look so cute but I can't be a copy cat. I keep perusing TJ Maxx home goods dept. for ideas but nothing has hit me yet. One reason I wanted to do this remodel (besides the doors that didn't close, drawers that slipped off the track every time I opened them, etc etc) was to get rid of the soffett (I don't know how to spell that and spellcheck doesn't have a clue but you know what I mean) over the cupboards so that I could decorate there and now I am stumped. ANY IDEAS????????
Most of our snow is gone. We are officially in mud season. The footwear of choice for the next month will be muck boots. For good reason, I almost lost one of my Clarks off while going out to the barn yesterday to feed Barney Barn Cat.
Speaking of cats, Noodles is on the naughty list for staying out last night! He would not come in and we couldn't catch him. It was a very mild night so I think he was enjoying being out but I like them in the house at night due to the wild animals that we have around here. Finally we gave up and went to bed, leaving the garage door up so that he could get in. When we woke up this morning he was snuggled in with us sound asleep, all worn out from his wanderings! Tonight he's not going out after 5 pm!
I am loving the sound of drills, hammers and saws as I type. Music to my ears! Monday the counter top people are coming to do the template for the counters. More pictures to follow!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!