I won, I won!! I entered all 40 of the quilting give away blogs a few weeks ago and hadn't heard anything so figured I didn't win anything. (pouting as I type) but today there was a package on my front porch when I got home!!!!! I won Needled Mom's pillow give away and it is adorable!! It's a Halloween pillow that is beautifully made, I LOVE it!! So don't ever think that you never will win a Give Away! Thank you NM!!!

This has been the week for nice surprises! This just goes to show that it pays to whine and pout when you want something..........Miss Pea had a Halloween contest recently and I was whining that I wanted the pair of socks that was in one of the prizes. Well, I didn't win the contest but she sent me some socks!! Yippee, I'm all ready for Halloween! Thank you Miss Pea, you are a sweetheart! I promise I won't whine and pout again.........too soon!

I will finish my last Florida vacation post soon. As I was going through some more of the pictures that we took I couldn't help but to feel so blessed to be able to go on a trip with my family and have such special times with my two little grand kids! I know that they live just five minutes away anyhow but to have them right with us 24-7 is just so special and I am so thankful for those times. So many of my friends grand kids are spread out all over the US and they only get to see them once or twice a year. To be able to see mine whenever I want is truly a blessing that I am forever thankful for!

Have a fun Halloween everyone and enjoy all the little trick or treaters that come to your door!