For those of us fortunate enough to still have our fathers with us it was a great weekend to celebrate. For those that don't I hope many happy memories helped you get through the day. My Dad is 84 years old but is years younger in fitness and attitude. I know because I walk with him every morning and I can hardly keep up! My FIL is 92 and he still works every day too at the office with my husband. They both are an inspiration to the rest of us with their hard work ethic.
Here they are in the foyer of the restaurant while we waited to get in for our reservation.

We always have such a good time when we all get together and usually it involves food. Ahem.... Not all of us were there this time as my brother had to work and one of my sisters lives quite a distance away and couldn't come this time.
These are my blue eyed nieces!
Dad and my younger sister.
We are a very close knit family. We spend more time with each other then with friends outside the family. There are five of us 'kids' with me being the middle child. (that should tell you a lot!) We grew up in the country with my Dad working in the woods and my Mom holding down the fort at home. We attended a little country church within walking distance of our house. I got married in that church in 1971.Dad worked extremely long hours in conditions that were very difficult, hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. I think he got frost bite more then once. Back then we got snow that was up over the front porch and then there was mud season to contend with. Dad drove the log trucks until he was in his 70's. Mom and I always hated to see him heading out early in the morning in the dense fog and were glad when he drove in at night. His work ethic is top notch.
Dad was also the head of the house and took us to church every Sunday. He lives what he believes. He and Mom have always set a good example for us kids, the grand kids and now the great-grand kids. He is generous to a fault and is always there to fix whatever we need done around here. The list is sometimes long when he gets home from Florida in the spring as Hubby and I aren't very gifted in the 'fixing' department!
I could go on and on but he reads this and I don't want him to get a swelled head! HI DAD! :o)
Friday night we went to the Kindergarten Year End Musical. Mimi and Bampie came in from the lake to go too so there the four of us set with our cameras and big smiles on our faces along with all the other grandparents waving to our grandchildren. Of course all the parents were there too. It was an adorable program. My pictures are kind of dark as it was in a big auditorium but you get the idea. We LOVE going to T and D's programs!

T is the one coming out from the middle in this shot in the blue shirt. The teachers did such a good job with this. Teaching 5 and 6 years old kids choreography can't be easy!

We're getting rain this week, all week. The only good thing is that I don't have to pull the hoses all around the house to water my flowers! I have all of my planting done and I could smell the petunias this morning when I went outside. In a few weeks they will be loaded with blooms. Someone wanted me to post a picture of the front of my house but I'm going to wait till all my plants are in bloom as it is so much prettier.
Guess that's it for today. I may be busy building that ark again so if you don't hear from me you'll know why! :o)