Thursday, January 21, 2010

And the winner is..........

The winner of my contest is The Happy Cottage Quilter!  She was the first one to comment and she guessed correctly, I am the first gal on the left hand side front row.  Some of the others guessed the same one but she was the first so a Christmas Table Topper will be going her way as soon as I decide on the colors I want to use.  Thanks for entering!

You know, I remember that day like it was yesterday.  Now don't ask me what I had for breakfast this morning as I can't remember but I can remember that day.  Notice how my hand is kind of on my hip with my wrist bent a little?  I remember doing that and the photographer snapped the picture and I was totally mortified that he did while I had my hand that way.  I was sure the whole school would laugh and carry on that I was so dumb to do that.  Well, not one noticed and I let it be my secret until today.  ha!  Isn't it interesting the things that go through a youngsters mind.  You never know what they are thinking.

I loved our little school that I went to up to 8th grade.  It was in walking distance of our home and I could walk home for lunch and not have to eat the hot lunch prepared for the students.  Thinking back I know they did the best they could with what they had to work with at the time.  When I saw what was offered at my son's school for lunch I was surprised.  Things like salad and even pizza!  I thought that was amazing.  Now the schools are much more health conscience due to all of the childhood obesity which is on the rise.

Which brings me to another rant, which if you read my blog you know I tend to get on one every so often.  I know I have gotten onto this one before but this morning on the news they talked about how many hours per day that our young people are spending on the computer, texting, television, Ipods and playing things like DS.

It is outrageous!  AND then I see the ads on televison reminding children to be sure to play outside at least an hour a day.  An hour?!  What has happened to a big segment of our youth? Think about all the hours and hours we spent as children playing in the snow in the wintertime, just coming in for a pair of dry mittens or for lunch?  Or the summertime when we were out from after breakfast until lunch and then out until dinner time and then out even after dark playing hide and seek and now they have to be reminded to go out and play for an hour?  Good  grief!

What have we done to our children to allow this to happen?  From all of your blogs I see that your children aren't in this catagory thank goodness.  I see good healthy kids playing and working outside,  riding their horses, doing chores, running, swimming, playing sports, doing the things kids should be doing.  Yesterday my two grands came over and went sliding on Grampa's hill.  It is a great hill and they had a blast.  A couple of the other neighborhood kids were there too and the four of them just had the best time.  I was bundled up but not enough to go down the hill and end up in a pile of snow as I had jeans on and no snowpants but they more then made up for it going down, walking back up and going down again. Where was my camera you ask?  On the kitchen counter. Sigh.... Anywho, I think I got that out of my system.  For now.

All is 'stable' pun intended, on the homefront.  Nick is doing well without his stitches and bandages.  I'm glad it's been a little milder as his shaved leg still hasn't grown much hair.  Hand walking starts Tuesday.  Skipper has not had any more episodes and feet seem to be okay so far.  Little Bud got himself hung up in some deep snow and the stable owner found him with his feet in the air!  Did I tell you this already?  Evidently he wanted to roll outside and got into deeper snow then he should have and got stuck!  This happened last year to my friend Ann's horse and he had to be shoveled out so that he could get out!  Finally after some hooping and hollering from the stable owner to encourage him he got himself out.  What next??!!

Guess that's it for today.  I know lots of you are having bad weather so I hope you stay safe and dry.  Keep the country of Haiti in your prayers, some things are getting better but they have a long, long way to go.  It was good to see that gigantic medical ship arrive there yesterday.  A young man and his wife from our church support a small orphanage there and he has gone over and everyone survived the quake.  He and a friend were on their way to get supplies when the big aftershock hit so they had to go back but hopefully they will be able to get out today for food and supplies.


Anonymous said...
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Susan said...

Yes, those impressionable moments stay with us a life time.

Needled Mom said...

Glad to read that things are "stable" at the stables. That is great news.

That is too funny about you with your hand on your hip. That taught you to be so cute...didn't it? I didn't even notice.

I agree with you and what the kids are up to these days. Unfortuantely, it is such a technological society and most of the parents are just as bad. Thank heavens for some of the new games like Wii that require some activity. The kids don't know what they are missing.

We are still enjoying the rains. All of the trees are getting such a good washing off and will look so clean and pretty when the skies clear this weekend. It has been so nice.

Take care and keep things quiet there. Hugs.

Jocelyn said...

It certainly is amazing and sad that children don't play outside like we did. I really think they are missing out on a lot! I still love your class picture. What fun to remember those simpler days.

hippo chick said...

Oh good! I can rant with you -- well, I won't rant, but I sure do agree with you. We were outside sledding, playing fox and geese, building snow forts. Like you said, running inside for dry mittens. My kids played outside either with other or their dad. When friends came over, all the kids played outside. We limited the amount of tv they could watch. Of course, we didn't have a computer at that time and there were no iPods, etc. I think they were about 10 and 13 when we got an Atari, but that too was limited.

I worry about our future generations. We don't have grands, but I worry about our great nieces and nephews.

Good news from the stable. So happy all is well.

We are having a sunny day today. It is so nice. Ialmost got in the mood to clean, but took a deep breath and it passed.

I'm so enjoying my cookbook. Haven't made anything yet, just perusing. Lots of fun.

Take care until next time.

~hippo hugs~

Carole Burant said...

That'll show me from not visiting the last couple of days, I missed out on guessing which one was you in the picture!! Aaaarrggghhh! lol Oh well...congrats to your winner:-) You looked so sweet and innocent..what happened??? hehe Just teasing youuuu!! You looked darling!

Yes, it is funny how we tend to remember some moments from our childhood and yet can't remember what we ate for breakfast this morning! lol Some of the memories I have seem so inconsequential and yet, I remember them!!

I agree with you, it's atrocious how some children these days don't go out to play at all, instead spending all their time at the computer or with their games. My brothers and I practically lived outside and would cry when mom would call us in to eat! lol I'm glad that my boys grew up in a time when no one had computers or games because they also spent all of their time outside playing.

As you say, pushing today's kids to send at least "an hour" is just not enough!! It always warms my heart when I see pictures of your grans and how they're always having fun outside:-)

Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend. Love you. xoxoxo

Pony Girl said...

Glad to hear Nick is doing well! Can't believe the horse that got stuck in the snow. Crazy! I'm surprised my horse doesn't get stuck in the mud, LOL!
I sure wish I had some's been so warm here, the birds are chirpin' and the bulbs are's too weird! It's still January and I know we've got more winter a'comin!

Val said...

Well, I missed this one! I agree about kids. I lived outside from morning until night. We made playhouses out of straw and we didn't even take time to eat. We had so much fun. Now its DS games, Wii (even though I would like to have one), computers, and t.v.- funny how things change. Congrats to the winner! Yay.

Dawn said...

I wish you could be with me on Saturday mornings, too, and we could support each other on this endeavor. I'm actually anxious to weigh myself tomorrow.

The girls are outside all the time in the summertime - not so much in the winter. But Grandpa has taken them sledding and skating this winter when we've had them. They loved it. I have had them since Wednesday night because Kristen is really sick again. She has some serious stuff with her kidneys that is really frightening. If you could add her to your prayer list, it would be wonderful.

Happy birthday to your son - dinner sounds wonderful! I have a turkey I need to find an excuse to fix.

I played the organ for a funeral today - my mom's best friend. Dad did the service and it was hard, because they've been close friends ever since Mom and Dad pastored her and they moved here shortly thereafter. She was one of those saints we're really going to miss in her usual place in "her" pew!

Well, have a wonderful week-end. Glad all is better with the horses!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Great post and it brought back lots of memories of my playing outside with all the neighborhood kids. Those are the best memories of my childhood. Kids now don't have a clue what their missing because of all the inside games with the computers.
Glad I stopped by to check on you

Margaret Cloud said...

I know our neighbor kids are out playing more than inside. My kids were raised in the time we did not have anything but TV and they only watched at night, otherwise they were outside and myself also.I also was able to come home for lunch until the fourth grade and then we bagged it. Glad Nick is doing okay. I was glad to see the stars raise so much money for Haiti, God Bless them.

Callie said...

Congrats! To HCQ! I actually was vascilating between that one and the one I picked, so close yet so far.........LOL!