Aunt Charlene. I think this might have been her graduation picture.

I forgot the time change. I'm here all ready for church and wondering why the Hubs is still upstairs in his recliner chair listening to gospel music when he has to usher today which means we need to be there early. DUH! I guess it must have been all of the Halloween excitement and trick or treaters around here that messed me up. All 25 of them. We live in a mostly older neighborhood with just a few kidsters sprinkled in here and there. Thankfully some kids come over from Sons neighborhood to help fill in. T was a cute little Good Witch and D was some kind of scary looking thing. What happened to princesses and teddy bears?
We moved the boys back to their winter lodging yesterday. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am not happy. I felt all teary eyed all day and kept trying to think of ways to keep them here just a few more days. It's warm right now so I don't have to worry about their waterers freezing up and pipes bursting but that can change in a blink of an eye so I drained everything and now only have to give their waterer bowls a good scrubbing.
I know they are happy there and get good care but I miss watching them out the kitchen window and being able to walk out at any time to give them a carrot or the apple peelings when I make pies. I love to yell to them to come for their supper and have them come at a gallop and fully intended to have my camera with me to get a picture of that but always seemed to forget. The stable is less then 10 minutes away so I go often but it's not the same. Oh well, winter goes by quickly and then they will be home again. :o)
One of my aunts passed away a few days ago so my sister Jill and I are headed up the pike about 50 miles to go to her wake this afternoon and then tomorrow to the service. It will be good to see family and friends that we haven't seen for a long time but why does it take a funeral to get people together sometimes?
We moved the boys back to their winter lodging yesterday. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am not happy. I felt all teary eyed all day and kept trying to think of ways to keep them here just a few more days. It's warm right now so I don't have to worry about their waterers freezing up and pipes bursting but that can change in a blink of an eye so I drained everything and now only have to give their waterer bowls a good scrubbing.
I know they are happy there and get good care but I miss watching them out the kitchen window and being able to walk out at any time to give them a carrot or the apple peelings when I make pies. I love to yell to them to come for their supper and have them come at a gallop and fully intended to have my camera with me to get a picture of that but always seemed to forget. The stable is less then 10 minutes away so I go often but it's not the same. Oh well, winter goes by quickly and then they will be home again. :o)
One of my aunts passed away a few days ago so my sister Jill and I are headed up the pike about 50 miles to go to her wake this afternoon and then tomorrow to the service. It will be good to see family and friends that we haven't seen for a long time but why does it take a funeral to get people together sometimes?
Well Blogger and I continue to have our issues. This time my whole post disappeared except for the part above this. Sigh..... I seem to be sighing a lot lately!
Anyway, we went to my aunts wake and saw so many folks from the town we grew up in. Some of them I hadn't seen in 40 years. No one knew me as growing up I had long black curly hair and was thin as a stick. Oh how some things change! lol! I recognized quite a few people and the ones I didn't I asked one of my family members who it was and then went over and talked with them.
My aunt was a very special lady. She was a hard worker all her life. She always had a big vegetable garden and I would see her so often out there weeding away. For years she and my uncle sewed shoes for a shoe company down near here but they did it at home, a truck would drop off the shoes, they would sew them together and the truck would come back and pick them up. It was hard work bending over those shoes for hours on end but in our little community of about 400 there wasn't much to do for a job unless you worked in the woods or you wanted to commute down here every day. Her family came first above all, she was devoted to them, they all grew up to be wonderful hardworking people.
She never forgot a birthday. You could always expect a card in the mail with a note written on it. She was so kind to everyone and did so much for those that needed her help in town. Everyone knew they could call on Aunt Charlene when they needed something. I have many happy memories as we lived just up the road a bit from her house and I grew right up with her kids, my cousins. My cousin Glenn and I are the same age and we were just like brother and sister, riding the horses together and playing around our grandparents farm which was right next door.
Speaking of........and I don't think he would mind me telling this story, my cousin Glenn had an interesting experience while we were riding one day. It was in the wintertime and he was on Flicka a little grade mare that we had and they were coming down the dirt road full tilt. They came to the sharp turn in the road and she slipped on some ice. They hit the snowbank, she went down, rolled completely over, jumped back up and he was still on her!!! I was behind them and saw the whole thing and sat there with my mouth hanging open! He wasn't hurt, probably due to the soft snow, and kept right on going! Oh, and we didn't wear helmets back then!
Jill and I will go up today for the graveside service. It will be nice to be back in the town I grew up in. The homestead is still there but my grandparents home burned many years ago. It will bring back many more memories I'm sure. We will miss Aunt Charlene, many people will miss her.
Your Aunt sounds like a wonderful person MM. thanks for sharing some of your memories of her with us!
Sorry that the horses had to head back to winter keep. Sure wish they could stay with you all year...
Safe travels to the service and back!
so sorry to hear about your aunt! shes sounds wonderful anyway! great memories!
sorry to hear about your "boys"
I am dreading the winter and the cold! ugh!
I am sorry to hear about your aunt's death, but it sounds as though she left you with many wonderful memories to carry you through the tough times. They don't make them like that much anymore, do they?
We only had one group of about six kids for trick or treat. I don't know where all the kids went. Ours were all here which was fun (and hectic).
I know how you hate to send the boys back for the winter. It must be really tough when the weather is still so warm and enjoyable. It will change soon, I am sure. Then spring will be here before we know it.
We have the newest little one down for a couple of days so am enjoying lots of baby cuddles.
Have a great week. xoxox
Thinking of you today...
So sorry for your loss, dear friend.
Your Aunt Charlene sounds as though she was of very strong stock and will live on long in the hearts of those who knew her.
We had almost no trick or treaters at C's. Can't figure it out, as it was Sat night and the weather almost like summertime!
Have a good week.
Love you,
What a nice tribute to your Aunt, very interesting story about your cousin, it sounds funny but I bet it scared the day lights out of your cousin.
Oh, sorry I'm so late here. It seems I never have time for blogging anymore. I do spend more time on Facebook though and enjoy it.
We had no trick or treaters at all. None! But that is always the case. Too many woods, houses too far apart. Kids are taken to town, 10 miles away, to trick or treat. At least there they won't run into a bear or coyote or anything else wild1
I know you'll miss the horses. Glad you're optimistic about winter being over quickly. I hate winter, and it's never as cold and snowy as Main, and still much too long for my taste.
Nice tribute to you dear Aunt. Condolances on her passing. It's nice that you grew up surrounded by family, just as your own darling little grandchildren are.
Take care and have a great rest of the week!
Reni xoxo
I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt's passing but I'm glad that you have so many wonderful memories of her and were able to go to her wake and funeral. Funerals and weddings...that seems to be the only time relatives come together, as you said.
Awwwww, I know how much you're missing the boys already and no doubt they're missing you too. I hope you're right and that winter does go by quickly! lol We're supposed to get snow tomorrow so fingers crossed that it's not TOO much.
I guess my neighbourhood is becoming an older neighbourhood like yours because we just don't get the trick or treaters we used to get. I was really disappointed to only get 50 kids this year...I kept looking out the door and thinking "where is everyone"???? lol
Sending big hugs across the miles. Love you!! xoxoxo
I'm sorry about your aunt. She sounds like a great lady. I have three aunts left, well four as my Uncle's wife is still alive. I cherish them more each year. They are a real special part of my life. You have precious memories and that's great.
I know you miss the boys when they are away in the winter, but as you said, they are well cared for and will be back before you know it.
I'm going to do a quick post today. My friend, Bruce, moved his legs yesterday. Also his oxygen rate is really good today and they may remove the breathing tube tomorrow. I'm just praising God.
Have a great day.
~hippo hugs~
It's sad to lose such a beloved relative. Your Aunt Charlene sounds like a very special lady. I'm sure those happy memories will keep her in your heart and mind always.
Goodness, I just can't imagine your cousin being OK after that incident. Truly amazing!
Your little trick or treaters look so cute in their costumes. Well, maybe D's mask couldn't be called cute, but it's a neat costume :) Love the good little witch :)
Our boys had really scary (ugly) masks too. Clowns and cowboys, anyone? :) Once our son was the cutest little Marsian.
Yes, you'll miss seeing the boys and walking out to give them treats. I wish I could agree that winter passes quickly. Seems like a very long time to me.
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