I finally got day two downloaded and it took a good hour and a half. I am not going to gripe about Blogger, I am not going to gripe about Blogger. Do you think if I say that enough I will believe it?
As I was going through the 500 or so pictures that I took a few jumped out at me. Hummmmmmm...was there something in the air at Disney? Looks like we all were really happy doesn't it? lol!! Mimi and Bampie

We always like to go to Rain Forest Cafe when there is one around. They have the most beautiful fish tanks to watch while waiting to get into your table.

The kids enjoyed the High School Musical Show. What talented young people they had performing.

One evening the Hubs and I took the grands out to walk around Downtown Disney. The street dancers were having fun with the crowd doing the chicken dance with all the kids.

We spent a day at one of Disney's Water Parks, Blizzard Beach. They have amazing water rides and tons of things for kids to do. This sight reminded me of home......

This was new since the last time we were there and the kids loved it. All of them did it even the youngest who is only four!

Hey that lifeguard looks familiar!

All the way over the bigger grands talked and talked about the 50 ft. drop waterslide. I never dreamed they would actually come down it but they did. I almost had to close my eyes but I wanted blog pictures. A grandmother has her priorities you know!

Home Sweet Home.

More parades.

The flowers were just gorgeous.

I loved the fall displays.

One morning we went to the Crystal Palace for a character breakfast. There they go again waving the dinner napkins!
Winnie the Pooh. That reminds me, I know someone who has a poodle and her name is Winnie the Pooh-dle. I think that is funny!

That's it for pictures of this trip. Like I said before I took over 500 but you all would never be the same again if I put any more in. This is one of my favorites. Grampie and D. That's what it's all about, the hugs, smiles, waking us up in the morning with giggles, helping with baths and doing T's hair, the look of wonder on their faces when watching some of the lovely Disney Shows like Beauty and the Beast and snuggling in a little bit closer when going through the Haunted Mansion. How blessed I feel!

PS I have no idea why I can't get rid of this big space at the bottom.........

We spent a day at one of Disney's Water Parks, Blizzard Beach. They have amazing water rides and tons of things for kids to do. This sight reminded me of home......

This was new since the last time we were there and the kids loved it. All of them did it even the youngest who is only four!


All the way over the bigger grands talked and talked about the 50 ft. drop waterslide. I never dreamed they would actually come down it but they did. I almost had to close my eyes but I wanted blog pictures. A grandmother has her priorities you know!

One morning we went to the Crystal Palace for a character breakfast. There they go again waving the dinner napkins!

That's it for pictures of this trip. Like I said before I took over 500 but you all would never be the same again if I put any more in. This is one of my favorites. Grampie and D. That's what it's all about, the hugs, smiles, waking us up in the morning with giggles, helping with baths and doing T's hair, the look of wonder on their faces when watching some of the lovely Disney Shows like Beauty and the Beast and snuggling in a little bit closer when going through the Haunted Mansion. How blessed I feel!

PS I have no idea why I can't get rid of this big space at the bottom.........
I read you are enjoying Blog*ger as much as I am these days. Grrrr. It took me forever to upload my photos today too. Guess I should start today for edition III of my vacation.
I loved all the wonderful, happy faces, but a 50 foot water slide????? Sorry, but I would be with you and the camera.
Disney always has the best actors/singers/entertainers. Their staff also appears to be top notch folks. It must be a dream job. My high school English teacher worked summers as a guide in Disneyland and always raved about it. One of the original Mousketeers was in my nursing class with me. She messed up her life afterwards, but was extremely talented.
The rewards of a trip like that are too numerous to count. The kids will remember these days for years to come and will be recalling these stories to their own children and grandchildren. You are definitely blessed, my friend. xoxox
Looks like you all had a great time! I really want to take all my kids, but the younger ones need to be just a bit older so they can enjoy more before I pay the prices.
What a GREAT trip.
Wow! What a fabulous time you had! I love Disney and can't wait to take our girls. Going to go down and check out the res of the pics now. :)
What's in the water over there at Disney to make you all want to smooch??? hehe I agree with you, it's good for the kids to see their parents show affection. I remember giggling as well whenever I'd see mom and dad kissing:-)
Such wonderful pictures...I want to see all 500!!! How could anyone get tired of seeing pictures taken at Disney and seeing all those wonderful smiles and happy faces.
Ummmm...nope, you wouldn't catch me on that 50 foot water slide either. I stand up on a chair and I get lightheaded!! lol That's what I love about kids, though, no fear!!
I've been to a couple of Rainforest Cafes and just love it. Steve had never been so one time while in Niagara Falls I brought him to one and he thought it was awesome:-) I love watching the kids' faces when the animals start to move and make noise!!
I'm just so glad you all had such a fantastic time...next time bring me will ya?? hehe Love you my friend. xoxoxo
I had that happen once (the space) I fixed it, but don't remember how. Isn't that scary?
I love Disney. Your pictures were great. We, too, love the Rainforest Cafes and always visit one when we can. Although we have only been to Disney twice, we ate at the Crystal Palace both times.
As to children seeing their parents showing affection, I think it's a must. Our girls grew up seeing us be affectionate and telling each other, "I love you". I agree that it makes them feel secure.
I have been pretty tied up with my friends who were in a serious accident. It was fun to take a trip to Disney with you.
~hippo hugs~
Ooooooweeeee! I can't WAIT! We leave in 2 weeks. WOOT!
I just made dining reservations. Chef Mickey's, California Grill, Cinderella's Royal Table, Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian, and a date at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. OH! And a hoe down at Ft. Wilderness.
We're getting VERY excited. Now if we can just all stay well.
Such fun seeing all your vacation pics. Happy faces, and all that smooching....chuckle....looks like you all had a wonderful time :)
Good grief, a 50ft. water slide? No way Jose! Your kiddies are brave!
Yes, you are truly blessed being able to make such happy memories with your family.
Do you use Picasa? You should try using it to send photos to Blogger. I never have any problems uploading photos with it. E-mail me if you'd like more info on it (my e-mail is in my profile).
You should be able to get rid of the space by placing your curser at the bottom of it and hitting the backspace key until the space is gone.
Me again :) Thanks for visiting this morning. I think I can help you with moving the photos around and getting rid of the space (how frustrating that the backspace wouldn't work on it). There's another way. Please e-mail me so that I'll have your e-mail addy. Thanks.
Looks like you all had a great time! What fun!
Wow, that IS a abig space at the bottom.
I can't believe I've not been over to read these two posts - what a fun time! I have to say I have a bit of envy in my heart!
I'm wondering - do you think breakfast on Monday would work? We leave Portland around 1:00. Do you think that would be enough time, or would it be too early? And would you be able to come to Augusta? Just curious.
so much fun.. the water park looks like wonderful fun, I didn't even know Disney had a water park... but then I haven't been to Disney since I was 12 years old. LOL
I thought of you just now when I was looking at the Wireless catalog and saw a set of meerkat statues you can buy to put up in your yard - cute!
Have you tried going into HTML and deleting that big space?
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