Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Battle Continues!

The battle continues with the marauding doe! Last night when husband was coming home from a meeting he called me when he was at the end of our drive way and said to look out the window and lo and behold there was Mrs. Doe having a late night snack on another hosta right by my front door! I turned on the porch lights and she still stood there so I went out and told her to "git out of there!" She took off but not before doing more damage to my already suffering gardens.

I did blame her for some damage that she acually didn't do, it was the hail. It made big holes in the huge hostas out by my mother's house but then she came and ate them with the holes so she probably would have gotten them first if she could've beaten the hail. I'm taking note of what she likes to eat and what she doesn't touch and will plant the things that she ignores next season.

Buddy is having a really good day today. He is down to 1/2 gr*am of bute in the morning and the same at night and that is down from 2 gr*ams at the beginning. We are VERY encouraged at this point! I am still soaking and wrapping his feet but will begin to taper off the big pads in a week or so. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for him! :0) His jolly personality is starting to show again and he is trying to reach out of the riding ring for a blade of green grass and has to get himself in quite the position to do that, I wouldn't think it would be worth it but I guess he does. He'll never be able to go out on lush grass again but will be able to have a small amount here and there.

I thought I was getting shingles. Yes, shingles. With all the stress of the roller coaster ride of taking care of Buddy I figured I had stirred up the old chicken pox virus in me. It was itchy and around my middle, (which is quite a journey) and was little red bumps that seemed to be getting bigger. I knew I had to get in to see my dermatologist quickly as they can give you something to take care of it if it is within 48 hours so I made my appointment and went in.

Well it isn't shingles. That would be too boring and mundane. The Dr. looked at all the bumps and said "what have you been doing over the weekend?" I tried to think of something exciting but it was just the normal stuff plus I picked some raspberries out of my small patch. Bingo! I had gotten into, are you ready for this? the hairs that come off the little fuzzy caterpillers and it had somehow gotten through my shirt and onto my midriff and caused all the little itchy bumps! He said "now this is interesting!" I guess meaning it was different then the every day rashes and allergies. Anywho, I picked up a prescription this morning and it is already helping the catterpiller rash of the summer of 2007. Yikes, what next!


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Those darn deer, nothing you can really do about them either! I have the same trouble with rabbits sometimes.

BarnGoddess said...

I am very HAPPY to hear about Buddy!!!!

that is the BEST news. I hope he has continued to be better...

Susie said...

Good news about Buddy!!
The rash sounds very uncomfortable, and I would have suspected shingles too. I've never heard of a rash from caterpillar hair. The things we learn when blogging!

Myrna said...

I'm so glad Buddy is doing better!

I;m itching just thinking about little caterpillars! lol

Unknown said...

What wonderful news about Buddy! Our Cahlibur is doing great too! He tends to bounce all over the place making us think that he doesn't have ringbone. Thanks for your prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

We are on our vacation and some rain blew in....just thought I'd drop by

I wish you could catch the deer on camera!!! Deer in the headlights - LOL!!!

Yikes - shingles!!! I had them once and I thought I was too young to possibly have them...ha ha. They were horrible. Stay away from the caterpillars!!!

Take Care!

the moose buyer said...

Just one comment - Oh Deer!!!