I love making bread but don't like kneading it so have always relied on my trusty kneading attachment on my mixer to do the heavy work. Well.......until today. I have hunted and hunted and hunted and hunted and I cannot find the crazy thing!!!! Do any of the rest of you spend a good part of your life hunting for things? Please say you do and make me feel better. You know, misery loves company!
Ssoooooooo...... I did all of the kneading and gave my arms a good workout. Not that they need it or anything mind you....I wish...... Can't wait to bake these off and have that lovely aroma wafting through the house, that and hot spiced cider are my two favorite fragrances of the the holidays.
I will be having around 25 this year for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone brings something and helps and I love the hustle and bustle in the kitchen with each one doing their designated job. I cook the turkey, stuffing, potatoes and rolls and everything else is brought in by someone else. I did buy some sweet potatoes yesterday and I'm going to make Mallow-Topped Sweet Potatoes this year, it's a recipe I found through Taste of Home. They have some of the best recipes and they are easy to make.
My niece Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife told about a wonderful give away that's going on right now.
HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway
Biggest giveaway ever! Got your attention? Good, because the rules are a little different from previous giveaways so read all the information carefully.
The HP TouchSmart 600-1055 is a desktop PC where, as the name implies, you can touch the screen to manipulate information. It comes with all the stuff you desperately covet with the bonus of being able to pinch, rotate and drag things anywhere you want with your own little fingers. Is that not completely fun?
Windex not included.

I'm sure all of you women out there have heard the new guidelines for mammograms and self exams. My opinion on this is RUBBISH! Don't let anyone talk you into not having your regular mammograms and to not do breast self exams! Many, many lives have been saved through these two procedures, my Mom's included. She is a 17 year cancer survivor because she had her regular mammogram even though there was nothing that could be felt. It was a mass rather then a lump and only mammogram detected it.
I was in one of my board meetings Thursday evening at the hospital and of course this subject came up. There are doctors on this board along with those of us that are patient advocates and ALL of the doctors there agreed that this was a terrible announcement to put out to the public. They all will continue to recommend that their patients continue to have their regular mammograms and to do self exams so please disregard what the media is saying. There, I got that off my chest.................sorry, couldn't resist the play on words.
On that note I think I will start making bows out of some very pretty ribbon that I bought for our wreaths at church. I am on the decorating committee and we try to come up with different things each year and change the color of the ribbons on the wreaths. My late mother in law taught me how to make them many years ago and it has served me well over the years making my packages festive looking and for my decorating. If anyone wants to know how to make them just leave me a comment and I will do a bow making tutorial next time. :o)
Hope you all are having a great weekend and please forgive my misspellings as I'm too lazy to look everything up in the dictionary. :o)
I am soooo with you on the new guidelines. This is just the start down a bad road when someone else is making the choices in our health care. We all know women who are here strickly BECAUSE of mammograms.
Will you share your bread recipe with me? The idea that they can stay in the fridge that long would be awesome.
Don't even start with "loosing" things. My list goes on forever. When I went to my mom's this week to make bread, I looked forever for her dough hook. We did find it so saved our arms the workout. ;)
Hope that you will have a blessed Thanksgiving this week, surrounded by family and friends. Your family will be in the many blessings that I count. Hugs.
Thanks so much for mentioning it!
Yes, I spend half my life looking for something or other!
We're having a much smaller crowd this year than normal - I'm making the rolls as usual - that recipe I did the tutorial on a couple of years ago.
This health care thing is really really scary!
Yes, I'd love to see your special bows!
Oh, you made me hungry now for fresh, hot rolls topped with sweet butter!
I agree with you about continuing the breast self exams and regular mammograms.
My company is arriving Monday and will be here all week next week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, and I'm looking forward to doing the same.
Hugs and Gobble, Gobble!
Renie xox
Im having a giveaway at my blog, so be sure and enter. Its a Christmas giveaway, but I wanted to have it early so I could get the prize to the winner so they can enjoy it during the chrismtas holidays!! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Good morning and wow you covered a lot and so glad you did.
First of all thanks for bringing up the new health care about breast exams. I am a breast cancer survivor and only because I had a mammogram at the age of 45. Otherwise I would not be here today.
Glad your having such a wonderful Thanksgiving. The kind we use to have in our family. Oh how I long for those days.
Happy Thanksgiving
oh i forgot you are not the only one that can not find things. I could write a post about that everyday. Especially since I moved into this old farmhouse. lol
Part II is up!
I can smell and taste the fresh bread now! you go girl!
wow! all those people for Thanksgiving, you got more ambition than me!;) Hope your day is wonderful and Blessed beyond measure!
Oh, I am with Needled Mom on wanting that bread recipe! I have frozen yeast rolls in the freezer awaiting the big day, but would love to have a recipe like yours.
Thank you for your words on the mammograms! My sister was diagnosed on the first mamogram she had ever had with breast cancer, and it was not something that could be felt, only found with the mamogram! I suggest we all stand up and revolt against that news flash!
Yes, and please, do the tutorial on bow-making!
Well!! I finally made it over here!! lol Oh my, I absolutely adore the aroma of fresh bread baking, mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm! You most definitely have to share your recipe for your yeast rolls and I've already started looking for my kneeding attachment! lol Believe me, you're not alone in not being able to find things. The worst part is when you look all over and it's right there in front of you. OY!
You sure will have quite the gang over for Thanksgiving dinner but oh how fun it all sounds. I really miss having any family around me except for my mom, I would so enjoy big family dinners:-)
Thank you for the heads up on the giveaway, I will have to go check it out after I leave my comment here. There are so many giveaways lately, it's unbelievable. I just added a whole bunch of them on my sidebar so make sure you check them out, there are some really great ones there.
I haven't heard about the new guidelines for mammograms so I'm guessing that's just in the States? As far as I know, here in Canada the guidelines are still the same as they used to be.
Mom taught me how to make bows a long time ago and now I've forgotten how! lol Must get her to show me again, she's very much into crafting and makes all kinds of bows. I'm lazy and just buy the bows! Tsk! Tsk!
Will me mailing out your Pay It Forward gift tomorrow, finally got some padded envelopes today so be on the lookout for it:-) Love you tons xoxox
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family - say Hi to Jill!
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