It's a blustery cold day here in Maine. The sun is shining but the temps are fairly low and with that wind blowing it warrants a nice heavy coat and some gloves. The dusting of snow that we got on Thursday night is long gone and there is none forecasted for the near future.
Thursday evening four of us from the stable went to see the Royal Lipizzaner's at a nearby auditorium. I had been to this show about 20 years ago and came away less then enthusiastic so wasn't sure what we were about to see. It proved me wrong as it was a wonderful show, the horses all looked fabulous, well groomed, nice and healthy looking and they knew their stuff. My pictures are a bit blurry as we were about 10 rows up and I had my little camera not the one with the big lens. I didn't know if we would be allowed to take pictures so I didn't want to drag that one around.
They did all of the dressage patterns, steps and leaps into the air. It was amazing! About half way through the show they brought out this spectacular stallion with gorgeous markings. The crowd went wild! He was gorgeous! That mane was gray and wavy and thick! I actually got goosebumps!

This was the head rider showing off some beautiful steps. I wish I knew the names of them all but I don't.

This horse was brought out to demonstrate some training techniques.

When this horse was brought out with the American flag the emcee sang the national anthem and we all stood for that and then stood for a moment of silence for the tragedy that took place at Fort Hood. It was very moving to say the least. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these people that lost loved ones and had so many others injured. What was going through that man's head to do something like that to so many innocent people?!

When we came out from the show about two hours later it was snowing quite hard, the big fluffy flakes that fly right into your windshield. Very beautiful but I was wondering what we would be getting up to on Friday morning. There wasn't much left, I guess most of it melted when it hit the ground.
I have been reading a delightful series over at Donna's place at about her mother's life back during the Depression. Life was much harder then and people were very industrious in how they kept their family fed, clothed and sheltered. It is a fascinating read so if you get a chance hop on over and see Donna.
I want to thank my niece Jo-Lynne for my new header and background! She does a lot of design work and will go to great lengths to get you just what you want. I wanted to have that nice picture of Nick in my header and a new font with my blog name. Also she found the nice fallish background for me which I really like! If you are looking for a new blog design take a looksy at all of her work at Thanks Jo-Lynne!! xoxo
Another site I really enjoy reading is Warm Pie Happy Home, you can see the link on my sidebar. Aunt Ruthie, as she calls herself is a lovely Christian woman who believes that the home is to be a happy, homey, wonderful place and goes to great lengths to decorate for the seasons in the most beautiful down home way. She scours the thrift shops, antique shops and craft fairs to find the most wonderful things to decorate with. I wish I had half her talent but am picking up a few ideas all of the time. She's also a great cook and posts some yummy recipes.
YeeHaw! My Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook arrived in the mail last week! I sat down and went through every page of recipes and pictures of life on her cattle ranch. I have made quite a few of her recipes and find them to be easy with ingredients that you already have in your kitchen so that you're not running around to the different grocery stores looking for stuff. This week I made her pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting and they were delicious! Also have things ready to make her chicken Parmesan later. I hope she does well as this was a labor of love for her.
Several people commented on my last post that my Uncle's cattle are indeed Scottish Highlanders. Thanks for helping out my pitiful memory! If you haven't seen them go to my last post and take a look. They are adorable!
Well time to get some things done around the old farm. I have two people here this morning stripping the 2x6's out of the stalls in the barn stalls, pressure washing them, washing the mats and cleaning the drains that are in each stall. The boys have settled in nicely at the stable and I will head over there later to see them. I still find myself glancing out into the pasture quite often to get a look at them and then remember they aren't here right now. :o(
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!
I, too, saw the Royal Lipizzaners at a show YEARS ago. I can't even remember how long ago that was. I'm glad to read that you were impressed with the show this time around. It looks like it was spectacular and I can only imagine the emotional moment after the Ft. Hood attack. Yes, what WAS he thinking?
I can imagine how you will enjoy those cookbooks. I know you have been following her blog for so long. Let me know of any that you are really impressed with.
Snow? Oh dear. I did hear that you are going to have a warm up the next few days. Does that help? I just hate how dark it gets so early now. I like my bright days.
I will have to go over and check out Auntie Ruthie's blog and see what she is doing. I love blogs like that.
We have a busy weekend ahead - dinner and a "sleepover" at one son's and a birthday dinner tomorrow night at anothers. Busy and fun.
Hope that you have a good weekend as well. Stay warm. Hugs.
MM, I sit here in shorts feeling guilty. Highs today in the 70's yet I find myself wishing for a good hard freeze. Fall is just kinda, ... sad... down here.
The new background looks amazing!! I love the fall colors and the pic in the header now!!!! Excellent job!
Ahhh the Lippizaners... We went a couple years ago, and our dream is to see, some day, maybe, the actual horses from the Spanish Riding School. The head rider of the troupe we saw gave me goose bumps. He was just absolutely amazing. Poetry in motion, no matter what horse he was on. Absolutely breath taking. I went home that night and dreamed of being able to ride like that- with that much skill, precision, grace, and power....
Oh my... goose bumps popping up just remembering his rides!
Give the critters up there some loves from me! I'll squeeze the boys here and slip Sonny a cookie from you!
xoxo ~MM
I live in florida not too far from the winter training farm for these horses. You can go watch them train and visit the barns and walk the grounds. It used to be free I don't know if there is a charge now or not.
The Lipizzaners actually came to Alaska this summer and I, for one, was very disappointed. The riders were sloppy and the horses just weren't as crisp in their movements as I know they can be. I had seen them about 20 years ago in Memphis, TN and I was disappointed then too. The head rider for the group that came to Alaska is an Alaskan, born and raised on the Kenai Peninsula.
There's no snow yet in my part of Alaska but the ground is frozen and the temps are above normal. The latest 1st measurable snow date is November 13. That's less than a week away! No precipitation is forecast for the next ten days. I think it's gonna be a strange winter.
I've always wanted to see the Lipizzaners! I't's great that everyone has enjoyed my mom's story; I'm glad I came up with the idea of sharing it.
we saw the Lipizzaners when they were in Maine the last time. the show was grand, but I had to agree that when I had seen them before, I was that impressed, this past show was so much better. We saw some of the same horses that you did, nice to see they still look so beautiful... looks like we are all doing the same sort of things, getting ready for the "s" season.. oh well, it bring us one day closer to spring.....
Nice looking blog;)love it!
It has been warmer here but I am to sick to enjoy it, I have to be on bed rest for 5 days with this flu!
The royal Lipizzaners, wow! so cool!
GREAT pics!
Hope you are enjoying the weekend! xoxox
Many years ago when my daughter was small, we went to the the Royal Lipizzaners and the show was magnificient. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I wish they would visit our area again.
The cookbooks sound wonderful. I will have to see if I can find them.
This weekend has been gorgeous. Warm temperatures, no wind. Last week was cold, windy and we even had ice pellets. We certainly are enjoying the weekend and got lots done with the boys yesterday.
Have a great week, my friend. I also enjoyed the previous post. Those cattle are adorable.
That was quite a horse show, I enjoyed the pictures, very nice. Thanks for the two links, enjoyed reading them and also bookmarked them.
I got my Pioneer Woman cookbook too! I went right through the whole book,loved it! I made her meatloaf, it was fantastic just like she said! I am looking forwrd to making lots more of her recipes from the book as well. Of course I get recipes from her website too!
PS- I love your new design. The pic of Nick is nice, and the fall leaves are so colorful!
Beautiful creatures, aren't they! Snow????????? Yikes, I'm notready for that. Right now we're actually having our Indian Summer after a cold and blustery October. It's been in the 60's all week!
That is SOOOO COOOL!! I would have loved to have seen them, and in a gym!! So neat! you got some great pictures of them. My mom got to see where the Lipizzaners are trained! But the horses were away so she didn't get to see any of the horses, but still cool!
You had two people stripping?????? Ooooh, they were stripping wood! hehe I know, I'm so bad:-) I would love to go see the Royal Lipizzaners stallions in action, such beautiful horses. Horses are so smart and it always amazes me what they can do. I remember going to see the Royal Mounted Police's Musical Ride and how in awe I was. Truly magnificent.
I will have to go check out those bloggers you mentioned, always lovely to read new blogs:-) I've also heard of Pioneer Woman but don't think I've ever been to her blog so will have to go visit there as well. I'm very interested in checking out her cookbooks!!
Your niece did a wonderful job with your new header and background, I love it!!
We haven't had any more snow since last week, in fact it's been gorgeous out with milder than usual temperatures for this time of year. I'm enjoying it:-)
Yup, we certainly will be going to my brother's Sugar Bush party next Spring:-) Actually, it's also going to be a family reunion because my two older brothers from Vancouver will be there as well, they've already got their flights booked!!! Yeehawww!
Love you to bits! xoxoxox
You have such a nice website!
The dressage movement that is most evident in your photos is the levade, the one with the handler on the ground and the horse having a 45 degree angle in his back hocks and his front legs elevated. Aren't the Lippizaners amazing?
I've seen them numerous times and am always thrilled to actually see a ballotade!
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton has approached Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut to be the Asian brand ambassador of her clothing line Paris Hilton Fashions. An insider informs Mid-day, "The brand carries Paris' signature style -- fun, flashy, bright. Kangna was short listed because of her edgy approach to fashion. She is considered to be a stylish girl paris Hilton nude who experiments, takes risks and sets trends." The brand has reportedly researched her films, her approach to clothes, her image etc. before zeroing in on her. There is also buzz that she's been offered a whopping amount to endorse PHF.
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