Good boy! You will be seeing more of Nick in the near future........
Halloween has come and gone but there are still remnants of candy in my house which I wish would disappear before I eat it all. Here are my two Trick or Treaters.

This past weekend while back home we stopped to see my uncles cattle. They are very interesting and cute with their long hair, especially their bangs down over their eyes. They are very friendly, especially if you have some grain in your hand. :o) They have a beautiful run in shed that he built for them but they prefer to be right out even in the wintertime. I can't think what kind they are, hopefully it will come to me before I publish this.

My grand cat just came in. She comes over about once a day to get some canned food. She gets plenty to eat at home but only dry food so comes here and raids Noodle's and Munchkin's food. She won't let me pat her here but at their house I can pick her up and hold her and she is fine. T and D and DIL were here this morning when she walked in and she lets them pick her up. She hisses at me.........pretty ungrateful wouldn't you think?! :o)
I have my list made for most of my Christmas shopping so I think I will go out this morning and get some of it done. The older nieces and nephews want gift cards this year so that will be easy and DIL gave me some good ideas for the grands so I want to get that stuff. We don't do as much for Christmas as we used to. It got a little over the top when the grands first came along and Son and DIL said not to get so much. I guess when those first grandchildren come along you just want to get them everything but I agree that there is no need to have so much stuff. I always do Angel Tree with them so that they learn the joy of giving to others.
That's about it from here on the Range for today. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Nick looks like he could be a handful if he wanted to. Settled right in though. I think you are going to have fun on him. I am thinking I want to relocate to a dryer climate. I am just not looking forward to snow! I love your little clip art you've added. Will you share that with me? I need to send out a newsletter and that would look great!
I saw on the weather channel this a.m. that Bangor was going to get snow. Of course I thought about you. I'm glad that your folks are safely in the warmer weather. I know it is hard to have them leave, but probably much easier on them to be out of the ice and snow.
I love the long haired cattle. They look like what we saw in the Highlands in Scotland.
The kids look like the enjoyed Halloween. It was really dead here with only one group of trick or treaters (6 of them) other than our grands. Very strange. We, too, are left with tons of candy. I had gotten three boxes of the big bars (30 in each). Lots to finish off. Oh dear!!!
I have to get going on my Christmas shopping too. I also have three birthdays in December and two in November. Wish me luck. I wish I had some great ideas. Do you have any?
Nick looks like he will move into his role easily. I am sure that T will be on him before long.
Enjoy your snow. We'll be in FL before we know it. Hugs, my dear friend.
If my memory is working, I think that the name of the cows is indeed,
Scottish Highland, or just Highland cattle. They are a hardy crew!!
Nick is a cutie!! Cant wait to see Miss T up on him next season! What bright eyes he has, and such an expressive face!!
Oh-- Halloween Candy. We dont need to go there...lol... I am thankful that the Kit Kat stash is gone here...and I confess I had a hand in getting rid of them. *sigh*...
Stay warm up there in that snn..... sszzznnn.... yeah. That cold white stuff that falls from the sky! ;)
Warm hugs to you all!!
Oh my the grands look so cute all dressed up for halloween.
Oh what a beautiful horse Nick is and I find it so interesting that you can tell what mood a horse is in by the ears! I know absolutely nothing about horses!! lol
Well of course I sent the snow to you, you know how much I love to share:-) hehe We had snow flurries this afternoon again and everything was white but then it turned to rain and it all melted. It's supposed to be a nice weekend so should be good to travel. As you know, we're going to Lily's birthday party and although I'm very nervous, I can't wait to see her:-) Just wish I didn't have to see my DIL! lol
The kids looked great in their Halloween costumes. Just the other night I was watching Scream (for about the 10th time) and that mask always freaks me out! lol You and me both with the leftover candy...my hand always finds the bowl with the chocolate bars! Groan!
How fascinating that cattle is, I've never seen anything like them. Like you, I love their bangs! lol
Good for you for getting a head start on your Christmas list. I need to get at that in the next week or so as well. The days and weeks just seem to be going by so fast, Christmas will be here before we know it.
How funny about your grand cat! I don't think we'll ever understand how the mind of a cat works!! lol
Take care my friend and have a great weekend. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, will be staying at my youngest brother's place for the weekend...Shawn lives an hour away from them so it will be a trip in itself to get there for the party on Saturday!! Love you! xoxox
Those long haired cattle are really cute!
Looks like your grandchildren had a fun halloween too.
Ive done a little christmas shopping, not much, need to get on that!
Have a nice weekend!
I have never seen cattle like that.
They sure are cute, and they kind of look like a buffalo.
Enjoyed reading about your horse and the photos are super.Thanks for sharing.
Mrs. Mom is right - those are Scottish Highlanders. There are lots of them here, they are a great cold weather critter.
There is a feral herd across the river from my place that surprises moose hunters every year.
The cattle are cuddly looking with their long bangs :) Yes, they're Scottish Highlanders.
I'd like to be in warm and sunny Florida! Glad you parents and their kitty are safely settled in down there.
Nick is a handsome fellow. I'm sure T will do well on him in the future.
Your grand cat should certainly mind her manners and stop hissing at the hand who feeds her :) Funny things, aren't they?
Sorry Blogger was still giving you fits in that last post.
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