It's been one of those absolutely delicious fall days here in Maine. The sun has been shining, the temps mild but not hot and with rain last night everything is green and dewy looking. I rode Lil' (Little Bud) Bud and he went like a well oiled machine for me in the ring. He is such a good horse and wants to please. His ears are always up and forward, eager to go. I only rode about 25 minutes and then cooled him out and took him for a walk down the back road to a field that has some nice clover in it. He snarfed that down as fast as he could and then we walked back to the barn and I hosed him off with nice warm water, well except his feet, I always do those first with cold water and work my way up. We've had some hunters on our property so I am a little nervous about going too far out in the woods now.
Carol Anne over at Carol Anne's Boutique is having a wonderful give away with all kinds of pretty fun things. Take a hop on over and sign up, maybe you'll be the one to win! Of course then you will have to share with me! Not really, but it sounds good. :o)
Saturday morning we went to Mr. D's soccer game. You've all heard the term that it's like herding cats, well this was about like that! It was so much fun watching all the little squirts learning how to play and putting their all into it. Some times they kicked the ball into the wrong net but were praised for having a good kick. They don't keep score as this is an instructional league.

These pictures are in backwards as I am still having my Blogger issues..........grrrrrrrrr......... This shot is when the game was over and they were all saying "good game" to the other team.

Getting ready to play goalie. Is that what you call it in soccer? I have a lot to learn as Son played football not soccer.

Miss T was doing some handstands on the sidelines and wanted me to get a picture! Is that nice and straight or what?! Now I want all of you to do one along with me.........
Good kick and it was going in the right direction!

Me and Miss T. Once again I have porta potties in the background! Sigh.......

After the game Miss T had a birthday party to go to so D came home with us. We had some lunch and then decided we would go out and get some pumpkins. They aren't as plentiful this year, the man at the veggie stand told us that half the crop was lost due to all of the rain we had in June and July.

It's hard work picking out just the right ones!
The trunk was full! :o)

Saturday is our Paws On Parade fund raiser that we have each year for the Humane Society. We have been working on it for months and I think we have all of our ducks in a row plus are just keeping our fingers crossed that we don't get rained out like we did last year. We had it a couple weeks later so all was not lost but when you are already to go it's disappointing when you have to postpone. We have lots more to do there this year with more vendors and more demonstrations. I will be there, camera in hand ready to catch all of the excitement on film! :0)

Getting ready to play goalie. Is that what you call it in soccer? I have a lot to learn as Son played football not soccer.

Miss T was doing some handstands on the sidelines and wanted me to get a picture! Is that nice and straight or what?! Now I want all of you to do one along with me.........

Me and Miss T. Once again I have porta potties in the background! Sigh.......
That is her other grandparents to the right, Mimi and Bampie.

After the game Miss T had a birthday party to go to so D came home with us. We had some lunch and then decided we would go out and get some pumpkins. They aren't as plentiful this year, the man at the veggie stand told us that half the crop was lost due to all of the rain we had in June and July.

It's hard work picking out just the right ones!

Saturday is our Paws On Parade fund raiser that we have each year for the Humane Society. We have been working on it for months and I think we have all of our ducks in a row plus are just keeping our fingers crossed that we don't get rained out like we did last year. We had it a couple weeks later so all was not lost but when you are already to go it's disappointing when you have to postpone. We have lots more to do there this year with more vendors and more demonstrations. I will be there, camera in hand ready to catch all of the excitement on film! :0)
After that we will be getting into Disney mode. We can't wait to head down to Florida with the kids, grand kids and DIL's family. We are all staying at the same resort right next door to each other so that will make it much easier. There will be 13 of us going together this year. My camera will be just a clicking for ten days!
The farrier was here tonight to do Little Bud's feet. He didn't have to patch his hoof this time! (doing the VERY happy dance!) He broke a big chunk out last month and had to have some bondo put on to fill it in. It stayed in place perfectly which was nice. I didn't know he was coming but looked out the kitchen window and the lights were all on in the barn and there was his truck.
I made a pumpkin pie today out of a different brand of pumpkin, Libbies, and it was excellent. If I didn't know the difference I wouldn't have known. I still like my One Pie brand but if you can't get it you go with next best. Everyone is scrambling for their pumpkin this year due to the shortage. It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie now would it?!