Monday again. The weekends fly by faster then the weeks. Yesterday after church we went to the coast to another of our favorite restaurants The Jordan Pond House. It has been there for many many years and serves the best popovers and homemade strawberry jam that you would ever want! It is located in Acadia National Park which is one of the most gorgeous parks in the US right on the Atlantic ocean. We have been there many times but each time we are still are amazed at the beauty of our surroundings.
Bar Harbor is the little town on the fringe of the park. It is a place where old money is abundant and some of the homes are palatial. On the way down FIL was telling about how when he was a youngster of 15 or 16 he would drive the farm truck down there loaded with produce to sell. Being a country boy he was always in awe of the big fancy black cars with the capped drivers taking the ladies in their big hats around for their errands and social gatherings.
It's more of a touristy place now with little shops bursting at the seams with every conceivable trinket to tempt the vacationers to spend their money. There are many cruise ships that stop there so there is no shortage of clientele. We like to browse through the shops occasionally but usually try to get there before the height of the tourist season.
Funsize, FIL, Hubby and I all had yummy lunches. I had the veggie quiche with salad and Funsize had the lobster stew and baked brie. Of course the main reason we went was for the popovers. They didn't disappoint us to say the least. Of course I FORGOT my camera so I can't make you all drool! I know my niece Jo-lynne (Musings Of A Housewife) is drooling as she has been there many times and FIL is already talking about going again when she is here on vacation! Jay, my grandnephew, you know the one eating the HUGE clams a few posts back, was here last night after church. He usually comes home with us for a couple of hours and then his Dad picks him up. I asked him if he was in the mood for a movie, a clean, no swearing, no sex, no violence type movie and he said he was. We checked through all of the listings and finally decided on The Bucket List. I'm probably the last one on the face of the earth that hadn't seen it yet so I was glad he picked that one. It was good. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are great actors, we enjoyed it very much.
Today was Date Day. Hubby and I headed to the coast late this morning to go to our favorite seafood restaurant. It's about an hour and 15 minute drive and we never tire of the sights along the way. Penobscot Bay is just beautiful as it flows out into the Atlantic.
The food was great as always. I had a bowl of lobster stew that was to die for and Hubby had lobster. I let him break one of my ultimate rules and he brought his Blackberry in with him and answered a couple of e-mails while I was perusing the gift shop. Don't you just love the bib? Do you think people know it's a blogger when they take pictures of their food? heehee!

Our Bird Seed Bandits were here again the other night. Mom and her three babies that are living in my hayloft came out for a snack. They are so cute and have grown so much over the summer. I don't know how long they stay with the mother but they are getting to be almost as big as she is. They don't cause any problems so we don't mind having them around, in fact we enjoy watching them and giving them treats. They LOVE marshmallows!

Tammy over at Family Doin's has given me a nice award. She had this to say about my site and I am so glad to hear that she can visualize how lovely it is here out in the country in Maine!
2) Midlife Mom from Home on the Range. Visiting her, you can almost smell the country air as she tells about her life on her beautiful acreage, complete with horses!
Thank you Tammy so much, it is such a treat to receive an award! In my next post I am supposed to pass this on to seven more people so I will try to do this although it is soooooo hard as I enjoy each and every site that I regularly read. I already have the Award Police after me so I guess this time I will try to pick only seven!
If you haven't met Tammy yet go on over and say howdy. She has a wonderful site and tackles some really good subjects in her Marriage Monday series. They recently got back from an eventful road trip to Dis*ney Land and it was complete with some escapades that reminded me of something out of the movies!

Guess that's it for tonight. Hope you all are having a good week. We finally got some rain so we are all doing the Happy Dance and so is the lawn!!