Monday, February 19, 2007

Homemaking Meme

I have never done a meme before but got this one from dcrmom so thought I'd give it a shot.

Aprons Y/N Only at Thanksgiving and Christmas
Favorite thing to bake: I love to make yeast rolls and bread.
Clothesline? YES! Nothing smells better then sheets dried outside although I never hang out towels I like them fluffy from the dryer or underwear, I don't want ANYONE looking at my underwear!
Donuts-Ever made them? Yep, but not for years.
One thing you do every day? Yikes! there's not just one, but I love doing laundry even if it's just a small load. I know, I'm weird.
Freezer? Do you have a separate freezer? No, unless the one at the lake counts.
Garbage Disposal? Yes
Handbook? No, I didn't know I needed one.
Ironing love or hate it? I only hate it when I get way behind.
Junk Drawer-where is it? In the kitchen.
Kitchen design and decorating? Maple cupboards, blue speckled Corian counter top, open floor plan into dining room with bar in between, white appliances.
What is your favorite part of homemaking? decorating and making my home warm and inviting.
Mop? Nope, but my cleaning gal has one.
Nylons: Wash them by hand or in the washer? In the washer in a little mesh bag.
Oven-do you use the window or open the door? Both depending on what I'm baking.
Pizza what do you put on yours? Pep, onions and green peppers.
What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? check my e-mail, blog, read
Recipe card box? No, I use one of those magnetic photo albums.
Style of house? Two story, big front porch, three car garage, back deck, 15 years old.
Tablecloth and napkins? No tablecloth for everyday or cloth napkins just good paper napkins. I HATE cheap paper napkins.
Under the kitchen sink? trash can, dishwasher detergent, extra paper towels and a little Have A Heart Trap for the occasional mouse that comes in from the horse barn!
Vacuum? A couple times a week, more if company is coming.
Wash, how many loads a week? As many as I can, I LOVE to wash!
Yard, who does what? I do all of it, I love being outside and have a huge riding mower with a 5 foot wide deck. I do have a handyman that comes and helps me with the heavy stuff though.
ZZZ's What is your last homemaking thing you do for the day? I go around picking up any clutter, straighten up the pillows on the sofas and fold the throws if I have used them.


palmtreefanatic said...

I love this meme! im going to use this for my post tomorrow
thank you!

Susie said...

I enjoyed learning a bit more about you!
Memes are a fun way to do that! You can tag yourself for the ones I do anytime you want!!