Sunday, February 4, 2007

Back to the real world tomorrow.

It's time to get packing up all the clothes, souvenirs and nice memories of Ocean Reef 2007. Super Bowl is over for another year and time goes on. I didn't see much of the game as I was busy visiting with my other non football friends, catching up on the happenings since we all saw each other a year ago here at the Reef. It was a wonderful trip as usual with the Berkley Corp. pulling out all the stops to insure that we have a super time. Last night we won a 46 inch plasma television and it will be shipped to us in a few weeks.

Tomorrow will be a long day as we pick up our two new kitties at 8 AM, leave the resort at 9:30, catch our flight to Boston at 1:30, have a three hour lay over in Boston and then leave there at 7:20 to touch down in Maine at 8PM. That is if all goes as planned. According to the weather channel it doesn't look good up the east coast so who knows where we will end up........

Traveling with the little guys complicates things a bit so I am praying that we don't get hung up anywhere between here and home. We are anxious to get them to their new home with us and look forward to the many years of companionship they will give us.

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