Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saying goodbye for a while

I must take some time off from blogging.  My father was hurt very seriously last week, he fell off a ten foot ladder and got bleeding in the brain.  Yes, why is an 88 year old man up a ladder you may ask??????  He was fixing the American flag.

We flew down to Florida immediately and went right to the hospital.  He looked like he had been in a fight and lost, a big shiner on one eye and stitches in his head where he hit the ground.  He was in the hospital five days and then we got the clearance to fly him home to Maine.  He did very well on the trip home as did my Mom and Buffy the cat.  :o)

He is getting around with a walker some and gaining a little ground each day.  Not sure how long the recuperation will be.  So in the meantime I am going to concentrate on taking care of things here and will try to check in with you all as much as I can. I will miss hearing from you so if you think of it just stop by and say howdy! :o)



  1. Oh my goodness. Glad to hear that your father is improving. Here's hoping for a speedy and full recovery. You will be in my prayers.

  2. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope and pray he makes a full and swift recovery, my friend. You take care, now, and we will be here when things get less frenetic.

  3. SENDING TONS OF PRAYERS YOUR WAY...keep us posted when you can....

  4. I completely understand. I am glad that he is doing so well and is now home in Maine. I know you are and will remain busy and I hope you will be back sooner rather than later. xoxox

  5. I am so sorry to hear that and I will put you all in my prayers.
    We will sure miss you but we understand what is important and that is our family.
    Prayers for a quick and speedy recovery.

    Hugs to you all.

  6. Omigosh, what a thing to happen! Please know that your dad is in my prayers and I so hope that he recovers fully. At least he's getting lots of TLC:-) Such a shame that your trip to meet up with NeedledMom had to be canceled but these things happen. I just found out last week that my mom almost broke her hip when she fell off a chair trying to clean the top of her cupboards...she's just badly bruised. I told her to NEVER do that again, to call me when she needs help like that. Sigh, what are we gonna do with them?!! Love you my friend. xoxoxo

  7. I am praying for your dad and for you and your family, also. Stressful times for all, I am sure. Keep us informed when it's possible to do so.

  8. I am truly so sorry. Dunno how the heck an 88 year old can go up a ladder - I never could!
    Look after yourself - and Dad.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm praying your dad will have a speedy recovery! Know that you all are in my thoughts & prayers!!!

  10. Thoughts and prayers for you guys from our little corner of the world. We'll all be here when you come back! xoxoxoxo

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Glad to hear he is doing better. Wishing him a speedy recovery...

    Take care and check in when you can.

  13. So sorry to hear about your dad. The wonderful thing is that he is recuperating and you have him there to take care of. You and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Oh bless your heart sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear about your precious daddy! Hold on to him tightly while your with him.

    This Ozark Farm Chick lost her daddy just over a year ago.

    I sure wish I could send ya a hug or twelve through this thing but know my prayers 'ill be liftin' you daddy up.

    Yep, sure shootin' 'real' life first.

    God bless and remember to take care of you too!!!

  15. Thoughts and prayers are on the way. Sorry to hear of this. What a concern.

  16. All of you will be our thoughts and prayers. Yes, I'll agree with you, an 88 year old man probably should not be on a ladder - but at least he had a noble cause.
    BTW, got her via Cliff's blog.

  17. OH NO!!! I pray he is better and heals as quick as possible! how scary! will miss you! Take care...love u! xoxoxox

  18. So very sorry to read this. I hope he continues to recover and that you take care too

  19. Just catching up on my blog reading, and, oh, my gosh, I hope your dad is doing better. Hugs to you, sweetie, and your dad, too ~

  20. Oh, so sorry! I'm impressed that he could climb a ladder at 88......my mama is 88 and is immobile. I'm so sorry he fell and happy that he's doing so well!

    My brother fell from a ladder in December and hit the back of his head on a truck bumper and had a bleed (after almost bleeding out). He was in ICU for 4 days and it is a miracle he lived and had no brain damage.

    So ladders are surely dangerous!

    Praying your dad continues to recover and quickly gets back to normal. He's blessed to have you! So is your mom! (and the cat!)

  21. OH NO..That has got to be so hard on a man of his age..and you. I will pray for him and I hope is will be doing well enough very soon! Take care of you too. :D

  22. I am sending prayers your way for everyone!!!

  23. We're missing you!!!I pray everything is going well.and you Father is doing well!
    Tell your family we are thinking of them.See you soon.

  24. Awww... I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he's much better by now.

    I'm glad you told us what happened to him. I like to pass these unfortunate events along to my parents who are 78 years old. I want them to be done with ladders and height!

    Take care and get back to blogging when the time is right. Blessings.

  25. Oh, I guess I should have said "stories" of these unfortunate events. :)

  26. Boy, you've had your share of stuff too. I miss seeing you here but I certainly understand why. My best to everyone.

  27. I've had you guys on my mind lately! Just wanted to drop & telling you I'm thinking about & praying for you all! Miss you bunches!

  28. Howdy! :)

    Thinking of you and hope that you're faring well with the adjustments in your life.


  29. Missing you. I hope everything is ok.

  30. Oh no.. So sorry to hear this.. I know it has now been months but I am just getting a moment to check in... I do hope all is well..

  31. I have been praying for him. When you can give us an update. Bless your heart.

  32. Checking on you honey to see if you have posted anything.
    I hope you are well and that we hear from you soon
    Love ya

  33. I have been on a blogging hiatus as well and just saw this! I am so sorry to hear and hope that your father is recovering. My prayers are with you.

  34. Missed all of this as my blogging has been lacking. :( Thinking of you and hope all is well. Would love to hear how things have been going. *hugs*

  35. I miss you blogging. I hope things are OK.

  36. I don't know how is your Dad now.Pray for your Dad we will be healthy soon.

