Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Day


There was no school today due to rain, snow and sleet.  There was a chorus of cheering from the kids in the neighborhood, they forget that they have to make up snow days in the spring if they have too many.  I remember the excitement of waiting to hear if school was cancelled when I was a kid.  We couldn’t wait to get on our snow clothes and get outside to play.  In high school we didn’t get snow days as it was boarding school and classes were held right there.  Our one perk was that we got to wear slacks under our skirts as we had to walk outside to get to the classroom building, otherwise we could only wear slacks in the dorm.

We always dressed for dinner.  Sport coats and ties for the guys and dresses for the girls.  For church we always wore hats, gloves and hosiery and again the guys wore sport coats and ties. We thought it was extreme at the time and grumbled a bit but I think things have gone way to far the other way these days.  When I see the get ups some kids wear now days it makes me cringe.

Why do some young men wear their jeans down around their knees?  Can someone please explain that to me?  Why do they think we want to see what color boxers they are wearing and how in the world do they keep their pants from falling off?!  Good grief, if I tried that I wouldn’t be able to walk!

And ladies, please, we really don’t want to see your th*ongs when you bend over for something or sit in the bleachers at a ball game! Gag!  I know I am an old fogey but some things just aren’t meant to be seen by the world. Speaking of, please cover up your boobage while you are at it.  I was in a store recently and the gal at the counter was sitting down leaning forward and everything was hanging out all over.  Don’t they have dress codes any more in the work place or does that violate someone's freedom of speech or some other loophole?

So, for all the griping and grumbling I probably did in boarding school I’m glad it was the way it was and we learned how to dress properly.  Okay, enough ranting.

I love snow days because I stay home and usually a grandchild or two will come over.  Today was no exception and Miss T and her friend K came over this morning and are going to stay until tomorrow morning.  They have played outside, come in and dried their snow clothes in the dryer, gone back out again and started all over again.

We also like to cook as you all know.  Now Cliff M. cover your eyes as this involves more pictures of food!

This recipe was given to me by Needled Mom my buddy out in California that I will be seeing next weekend! YAY!  It’s braided bread and it was lots of fun to make and even more fun to eat hot right out of the oven!  I think maybe I could’ve let it rise a bit more so that I could get the egg wash on more evenly but regardless it was to die for!  Thank you Mary, see you soon!!!

Braided Bread 009

I also got some quilting started.  I got everything cut out and will start putting it together tomorrow.  It’s going to be a beautiful poinsettia Christmas quilt.  The fabrics are really nice and the pattern is soooooooo pretty!   It was on the cover of Keepsake Quilting catalog a couple months ago.  I will keep progression pictures in future posts.

Braided Bread 013

Braided Bread 015

So, I must get dinner on the table as the Hubs will be home soon.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That bread looks SO good. Your comments on current fashions made me laugh out loud. We haven't had much snow this year, and I'm glad!

  2. Looks like that will be a beautiful quilt! The bread looks delicious! I so agree about the dress now..and another thing that bugs me is how all the teens stick out their tongues in pictures! Are they trying to look sexy or just yucky! ;D

  3. Clothes! When my sister's hubby died, I took his entire wardrobe of expensive clothes to a local charity shop. Although they gladly took them, they went to some lengths to tell me that the really expensive full-length coat and equally expensive top-of-the-range ties would not appeal to today's students - their main customers - as they no longer wear either!
    Before you ask, NO! We have no baggy jeans or thongs to give!!! lol.

  4. I remember dress codes. Skirts had to touch the floor when you kneeled. Girls weren't allowed to wear pants at school until my senior year (69/70) and even then my parents wouldn't allow me to wear them. My first job allowed women to wear pants suits (remember them?)
    I did like wearing a uniform at the police department because I never had to worry if what I was wearing was appropriate or not. Plus there were no headaches figuring out what I was going to wear that day. Plenty of other women hated it, however, and they finally made uniform wearing voluntary - we were clerks, not officers.

  5. Oh yeah! Glad you enjoyed the bread. It is fun to make, but even better to eat.

    I am so with you on the clothing these days. I can't believe how short the skirts and dresses are. I don't know how they can sit down. I can't imagine parents letting their minors wear such clothing either. BTW...the tho*ng showing is called a "whale's ta*il"!!!

    I hated having to make up those snow days, but it was so much fun to hear we had no school.

    See you soon! xox

  6. The answer to the reason the pants won't fall off has to be 'velcro in places we don't know about.'
    The reason they look that way is they are the 'no mirror people." My kids would say " Why'd ya" say No Mirror Dad?" I'd reply, "that poor girl obviously has no mirror at home or she wouldn't dress likd that."

  7. Dang....I've said it before in comments that you ladies that can make quilts and have them turn out so beautifully, just makes me sob!! I've been wanting to try it myself, but don't know where, even, to begin!! I can't wait to see your progress...and the poinsettia squares and holiday 'feel' to your new quilting will be absolutely stunning. I know it!!

    As for the style of our younger generations, I don't think you're an old 'fogey' as you're right up there in thoughts about it all...just as I am. It boggles the mind with some get ups these kids wear today. I would dearly love to see a family sit down to dinner 'dressed'!!! In fact, just to have a family sit down as a 'whole' for a dinner at the table would be an event worth marking on the calender if you ask me!!

    I LOVED your 'rant'.

    My Monday Post if you'd like to stop by to

  8. Oh, that bread looks yummy!

    And the rant - yes to everything. The pants issue really drives me nuts - they have to walk like the old cowhands of yore in order to keep their pants from falling to their ankles - so ridiculous! I wonder what their moms think when they walk out the door - or maybe their moms are the ones with thongs and hanging-out boobs. Disgusting. The dress code sounds so good - you guys must have looked so wonderful. Another day for sure.

    I've been watching Mary Tyler Moore and That Girl lately - found a great station. I just get so nostalgic when I watch them - never a bad word, such high morals. It is incredible how far down we've gone. I think I feel a ranting blog post coming on!

    As for the roads last Friday - Angie posted a prayer request for Kev's drive from Boston late Friday evening - he goes down to Brockton the last Friday night of every month for the TC graduation ceremonies - this time they out afterward and he didn't start home until 11. His phone wasn't working because it landed in a puddle of slush, so he had to e-mail from his ipod. But all was good and he got home around 1:30. Getting into their driveway was his biggest challenge. She'd had a really tough day or driving.

    As for Ipads - I don't have quite enough cash for one. Don't you think they operate just like the Ipods, only bigger? That was another issue I had with the Ipod - such tiny print! These old eyes of mine couldn't do it.

    Well, I'll hush for now - have a great week!

  9. Me again - I posted all of the pictures yesterday - come by if you have time!

    I know you're getting excited for your trip - I want to come!!!

  10. I love the colors that will be in your new quilt. I have been thinking that is something I'd love to do, but with so many other projects waiting to be done I feel guilty for even thinking about starting something new. We had snow here too, but today will be in the 50's they say so it will all be gone for this time. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  11. I would have NO problem if all schools required uniforms. lol

    And, a few law office receptionists can stand to button up a little more too. We recently refiananced our house, and when we stepped up to the desk as we entered, I couldn't believe how MUCH uncovered boobs we were looking down on. I know I'm not a prude, but really! :)

    Anyway, on to your bread. It looks, as Rachel Ray says, DELISH!

    Continue to enjoy the grandkids and your quilting; very worthwhile ways to spend your time.

  12. Oh I so agree with you about the way some people dress these days! Every time I see a boy with the crotch down to his knees, I want to go over and pull up his pants! lol I'll never forget the time Steve & I went into the lobby of the Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls...there was a group of teens sitting on the floor waiting for their ride and one of the girls, who was quite chubby, had half her butt crack showing...UGH! I mean, really, couldn't she feel the cool air hitting there? lol

    I see you had a couple of great helpers to make the braided bread:-) It sure does look scrumptious!!

    Have fun with your projects:-) Love you to bits xoxoxo

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