Thursday, February 26, 2009
Kitchen redo
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The One I Forgot To Publish
Yes, that's me up to my waist stuck in the snow!

My computer guy was here on Thursday as I begin learning how to use Photo Shop. I think it's going to be a long process but will be well worth it in the end. Here he is teaching Miss T how to use my new Ipod Touch. She picks these things up much faster then I do!!! She had fun watching Madagascar 2 on it. This thing amazes me. You can click on Maps and put in your zip code and see your own house via satellite! Amazing but kind of scary in a way too if you know what I mean. Talk about big brother watching.........

Hubby is driving to New Hampshire and back today. I don't envy him, it's a long haul but he hates staying over in a hotel so would rather drive home.
I just found this in my drafts folder, thought I had already published it so don't be confused about the dates and all.
The sun is shining today and it's fairly mild. I have my Humane Society board meeting so will be heading over there in a few minutes. I go early so that I can visit all the animals before the meeting. We have such a good adoption rate, the staff does such a wonderful job! I would say that at least 95% get adopted and the other 5% are too sick to save or have aggression problems that can't be solved. They go way beyond the extra mile to find homes for the animals.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :o)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Back To A Winter Wonderland!

This is the poor fire pit! Guess we won't be roasting marshmallows today!

This is the latest in winter attire. Note the combination of green scarf, hunter orange knit cap and red gloves. I guess I won't be making the cover of Vogue very soon.......You can see how deep the snow is on our back deck! I was just trying to get a path to my bird feeder.

This is how much snow there was on top of the feeder on the deck!

Yesterday after church I decided to go out for a ride by myself which I don't normally do, usually I am with Son and family but they all have colds so couldn't go. I took my cell phone and stayed right on our own property so that I wouldn't be too far away if I got stuck or something. The trails were glorious from the 6 inches of snow we got last week. A great base with the new on top makes for such nice riding.
This is what happens here if you drive out on thin ice. The ice may be a foot thick in some places but in others not!

Not only did his truck go through but his sled and trailer!

Here are a few of the cute pictures that people send me:

I don't know if these pictures were taken in Maine or not. Very rare though to see an albino moose!

A diva in the making.

This sleepy head is safe to ride in the car.

Guess that's it for this morning. Really need to go do some more shoveling. I just think of it as good cardio! :o)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Humane Society Visit

Want to send a big THANK YOU to Mikael over at Rising Rainbow for awarding me the Van Gogh's Ear Award! It always makes my day to receive an award from one of my fellow bloggers! Mikael is one of the most knowledgeable horse people around and her posts are wonderfully written. I have learned so much about training horses from her and always look forward to whatever subject she is talking about. Thanks Mikael!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Warning: This is long!

I am told that after the obligatory dance with Dad the girls tend to have fun together as the dads stand around watching and gabbing with each other.

Saturday they came tromping through the woods with all their gear on ready to play outside in the snow. They loved swinging on the swing set with all the snow around them and T did dismounts like in gymnastics.

A 10 for sure!

It's VERY icy around the barn!

Whew! If you have hung in here with me this long you are a trooper! Thanks! :o)