Monday, October 18, 2010

Do you ever forget where you put stuff?

Halloween is just a couple weeks away.  My dear friend Needled Mom sent me a pattern for candy bags for Miss T and D and I finished them this weekend.  It's a nice pattern that works up really quickly and you could put any number of combinations of colors and patterns. I put their names on with my embroidery machine but covered them up for in this shot.  Thank you NM for sending me the pattern!

I have been trying to organize my sewing room.  After the big make over a few years ago I have kind of let things slide a bit........ahem........quite a bit.  I have found all kinds of goodies that I forgot that I had so have a slew of projects to work on.  I discovered that I had already bought the sashing, border and back fabric for the quilt that I am making Miss T for now I have two sets of fabrics to pick from........  I normally make a new Christmas wall hanging each year for my DIL and grand kids so must get going on that.  I found a kit with all the different fabrics but the directions and picture of the project is not there....... I am hopeless.

We had another hay ride last night with the Sparkies from our Awana group at church.  I was expecting twenty and about 35 arrived! PLUS the person that was supposed to bring the dessert FORGOT so I was trying to find something in my kitchen and Mom's kitchen to give them.  I had some little bags of M & M's so those were the dessert instead of going into the Halloween bags!  Most of the parents came too which was nice plus a couple of neighbors were walking by so we invited them to go to.

This young man was in a cast so we thought it better that he go in the Rhino and not in the hay.   :o(

It was a good ride and the kids saw some deer which was really exciting especially for those that had never seen one before.  Some of the adults saw a ten point buck!  Now Val, I know you are drooling!  heehee! 

We always have a big bonfire.

After seeing the horses and filling up on hotdogs and punch the kids and parents headed home.  Next week we have the 9 and 10 year olds and will probably have around 40 and then that will be that for this year and the boys will move up to the stable.  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I don't want them to leave for the winter!!  It's only about 5 miles away but it's not like I can look out my window at any time and see them or walk out and take them a carrot.  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Mom had a birthday last week and turned 86 years young!  Everyone came in to see her plus she got a lot of phone calls and birthday cards.  Cards are still coming in and she really enjoys them.  I think she looks younger then her age don't you?  I gave her a new perm today so she is all spiffed up to head back to Florida in a few weeks.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!

I usually have a buddy when I am down in my sewing room.  This time it was Munchie.  See this pile of fabric, it's all put away now and my cutting table is clear! Yay!

Now she is out on the sun porch as I was out there watching tv.

This is Noodles, I can tell by the foot hanging down, he has some white on him.

They are great company and I enjoy them very much except when they catch a bird.  I keep telling them that I am going to put a cowbell on them so they can't sneak up on the poor unsuspecting birds!

Well I must get back down in the sewing room and hunt for the missing pattern.  I won't rest until I find it, it seems like I spend half my time looking for something.  Anybody else out there lose things???  :o)


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean and it drives me crazy. I try so hard to be organized too.

    The bags turned out really cute!!! Glad that the instructions were easy to follow. I know the kids will love them.

    I figured it had to be getting clos to when the boys head back. It is such a shame when you have such a great spot for them to stay all year. It just doesn't seem fair.

    The days since returning have been crazy. We got home Thursday evening and had houseguests arrive on Friday morning. They left the same time the kids came down for the weekend, followed by a wedding in the afternoon and a big brunch here for nearly 40 people on Sunday after church. I was pooped by Sunday night. Today it is cleaning, laundry and all else for the last week.

    The hayrides look like so much fun. You guys are great to share your time and effort to put them on. I am sure that the kids would not have a chance to participate in such things if not for you.

    Have a great week, my friend. Hugs!

  2. Do I ever lose things?





    Drives me batty! LOL Course, there are usually two little helpers making sure things... "walk away"... too...

    Your kitties are so stinking cute!! And those hay rides sound awesome. Man alive, the summer went by entirely too fast didn't it? I can't believe the boys will have to move back to the stable so soon. My heart hurts for you MM.

    And your Momma! She looks beautiful! Please tell her Happy Birthday from all of us down in the Southland!! Easy to see where you get your beautiful smile from MM ;)

    Oh- the trick or treat bags are adorable! I love seeing the things you create. I'd probably sew my fingers together, so getting to see such neat things made by hand is awesome and a treat for me!

    Stay warm up there MM, and smooch those beautiful critters from me!

    xoxo The Other MM =)

  3. Happy late birthday to your Mom! She does look young! Cute bags for the kiddos! I sure wish I was your neighbor! I know are going to miss the horses. Cute pictures of the cats!

  4. I am always forgetting where I put things, your not alone! !The bags are very cute!
    I love hayrides!! What a fun time!

  5. I lose something about every day, but the thing that bugs me most is that I can't find the FURminator that my sister-in-law loaned me, and my dog could really use some de-shedding. I remember putting it someplace and thinking, "Now, will you forget you put this here?"
    Yes, I remember thinking that, but I don't recall where I put the thing!

  6. Your Mom looks wonderful! Wow 86 years old. Bless her. Hope she had a wonderful birthday.

  7. O, I leave notes to remind myself where things are and then...I forget where I put my notes!! :))

    Happiest birthday to your beautiful and young looking mom. She is amazing.

    Love the cute little bags..just precious.
    Also love your Halloween images..they are so cute. I've looked and looked for cute ones but no luck yet.
    Thanks so much for coming over..
    hugs, bj

  8. Love the kitties and the bags! Such a great idea!

  9. I love your little buddy! And your mom does NOT look like she's 86..amazing! I love hay rides..when I was little and we lived on a farm, our neighbor had a black draft team and big wagon and he's come along an collect all the neighbors for hay rides. My favorites were the winter nights with the bells on the horses! ;D

  10. such cute bags for T and D! So talented and nice of NM to give u this pattern!:)!
    Sorry to hear it is that time again for the boys to head back!
    Noodles is so darn cute:)

    love hay rides but dont see any happening here this year...Great times and memories for the kiddos! your so wonderful to head it up:)

  11. Happy belated Birthday to your lovely mom, she doesn't look her age at all!! If I can only look half as good when I reach that age! lol

    Oh yes, I do the same thing, find things I had forgotten about or forget where I put something. Right now with my house upside down because of the living room renovations, I can't find ANYTHING!!!

    I so wish I could go on one of your hay rides, I think it's so awesome that you do this. I love bonfires as well...can you make me some s'mores??? hehe Everyone looked to be having a great time:-)

    I just love those Halloween bags, no doubt the kids will love them. Needled Mom and you always leave me in awe with your sewing skills!!

    Your kitties are so darling and I can well imagine what good company they are. Mom says she doesn't know what she'd do without Tiger, she never feels alone:-)

    And now to let you know that I received your parcel yesterday and omigosh, I just LOVE everything you sent me!! Thank you so much my friend, you really put a huge smile on my face:-) I had been looking for Fall napkin rings and these are just perfect. The boy and girl pilgrims are so delightful as well. The tea towels, acorns, snowman....ooooh all so wonderful!!! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Love you to bits. xoxoxoxoxo

  12. I love those halloween bags! I sometimes wish I could sew....but only sometimes.

    You are very talented!

  13. ALL THE TIME! If I had a dollar for all the hours I've spent in the research department I'd be rich for sure. Your mom is a young 86 for sure. Happy Birthday to her. You all are so great to do the hayrides for everyone. I know you'll be missing your friends. It's going to be getting cold though.

  14. This is a very interesting post. I enjoyed reading all about your goings on, what a busy person you are. No, your mom does not look her age, tell her I wish her well and hope she enjoyed her day.

  15. Happy birthday to your Mom! She is beautiful! I can't believe she is that age! Are you sure?
    Your bags are great! I am trying to get back into sewing now that things are slowing down and the weather is getting cooler.
    I am posting a giveaway on my blog, come on over and sign up!

  16. You ask if I every lose things. Yes, I do. In fact I bought my mother in laws Christmas gift about a month ago. It arrived and I put it in a safe place. Where that was, I have no idea and to this point haven't been able to find it.

    Enjoyed catching up with you. Hope you've had a great summer. Mine wasn't as good as normal because I was still recuperating from my heart surgery and couldn't do much.

    Take care and please keep in touch.

