Sometimes my graphics have absolutely nothing to do with the content of my post. They just tickle my fancy and that's that. :o)
It is HOT here in Maine! We are back up in the 90's and usually by now it's getting a little nip in the air. I'm not complaining though, we had a great weekend at the lake. Next weekend we take the dock and the boat out for the season. Sad to see the season end but fall is my most favorite time of year so again, I am not complaining.
Wanted to put a few pictures in of our trip down the mountain at Attitash in New Hampshire last weekend with the grand kids. It is such a different thing to do and lots of fun. If you are afraid of heights this wouldn't be for you, I just pretend that I am on the ride Soaring at Epcot and am fine! :o)
We got on the ski lift which was a quad so we all could ride up together. They put the little sleds on the lift behind you and someone is there to help you get them off when you get to the top.
These are the tracks you come done on and no the sleds aren't attached.
Everyone looks far........
Yikes! I didn't want to lose my sandals! I must say that is a good looking pedi! :o)
Look at D's face, starting to get a little nervous....... If you could see his hands you'd see the white knuckled grip!
Looking ahead it doesn't seem too high.
Looking back it DOES!
We made it to the top and got our sleds. D was fine once we got up there and came down the mountain without a hitch. Miss T did fine too but I was going so slow that at one point my sled stopped and I had to push with my hands. I sped up a bit and was fine after that. You couldn't take pictures once you got on your sled so this was my last picture.
The kids wanted to go again but it was the end of the day and we had only signed up for one ride. Next summer when we take our trek to NH we plan on spending a day there as there are lots of things to do. The Alpine Slide is the most popular and I'm sure they will want to do that first!
Speaking of heights. Funsize went sky diving a few weeks ago!!!!! She is much braver then I will ever be! This picture is grainy but it shows her in her jumping gear. I can't seem to find the one of her in the air so will have to have her send it to me again. YIKES!!!!! She loved it and will most likely do it again! Nice to be young!! xoxo
I had been wanting to go on a picnic this summer with the kids so called over to their house to see if they wanted to go on an adventure. Mr. D was going to camp with his Mimi but Miss T and her friend K were home and wanted to go. I slapped together some sandwiches and off we went in the Rhino.
We traveled around until we found a nice spot and got the blanket out to sit on. Something about being out in the woods and fields makes a plain ole' chicken sandwich and chips taste extra good!
Of course we had some yummy raspberries that grow right near my dear friend Needled Mom in California! Speaking of Needled Mom, I just got a wonderful book of jellyroll patterns from her as I want to make T a quilt for Christmas. I'll probably not get it back to her till we meet up in Key Largo in January IF I have the quilt done by then!!

The sky was just beautiful and the temps were perfect in the low 80's and no humidity!
You know, sometimes it's the smallest things that kids remember the most. They thought this ride and picnic was just the best thing since sliced bread and want to do it again soon. And we will!!!!!