Have you ever had a day that you knew just wasn't going to go right? I had that day yesterday. When I threw my pj's towards the hamper and they went in the toilet instead that was a pretty good indication! Good grief! I never should have tried to bake with the day beginning that way but Hubby likes his homemade cookies so I thought I would give it a whirl.

Hummmmmm........rather flat.......

I love the way they are putting sayings on picture frames now. I found this one at Kohl's the other day and just love it!
I have been having a problem with pigeons around my bird feeders so had to take the feeders down. I really missed seeing the small birds so bought a feeder that wouldn't lose seeds on the ground that would attract the pigeons. I put the feeder out this morning and guess who loves it? Can you see him? Unlike many others we like our squirrels and find them very entertaining. They love peanuts in the shell and we go through tons of them. I left the door open to the sun room yesterday when I was cooking the Disaster Cookies and guess who came in???? I had to shoo him out before he got into any mischief!
Guess that's about it for today. I'm going to try to make some molasses cookies today. Wish me luck! xoxo