Just got home from a surprise lunch with Husband at the Muddy Rudder a local restaurant here in town. Now it's always a treat to eat out but on the spur of the moment it's even better so I like getting those e-mails. I got there a bit early and as the restaurant is right on the edge of the river I enjoyed watching the sea gulls and some other kind of birds doing some fishing for their lunch. The ice and snow just broke up a few days ago on the river so evidently there is an abundance of fish close to the surface as the gulls were having a heyday gobbling them up. It's a beautiful spot which just adds to the enjoyment of a nice meal. I had giant shrimp cocktail and a lobster roll with fries. I didn't eat the humongous roll, it was a meal in itself and only a few of the fries but sure did have my own feeding frenzy on the ice cold shrimp and the lobster. The desserts looked scrumptious but I passed them up and just had the little mint that they give you when they bring the check.
Tonight is rehearsal for the talent show which is tomorrow night at the church along with the pot luck supper. I have about 12 acts signed up so I hope everyone shows up or I will have to get up there and sing and that wouldn't be a pretty sight or sound! I have lined up everything from a barber shop quartet, ladies quartet, tap dancing young gals, skits, country singer, piano solos, guitar players and a some other things. One of my singers had her wisdom teeth out this morning so I'm wondering if she will be in any condition to sing tomorrow night.... she might look like Chip and Dale with all the swelling.
I have decided to participate in the 30 Day Organizational Challenge over at Laura's the organizing junkie. This starts on April 3 and I think I will compete by entering not the Dreaded Walk In Closet but my Ultra Dreaded Sewing Room. It is a mess with different colors of fabric mixed in together, junk that needs tossing, things that don't even belong in a sewing room ended up there and I am declaring war on it! The only bad part of this is that I am going to have to disgrace myself again by posting some 'before' pictures over at her site for the world to see........to see what a slob I am in my sewing room. Now the rest of the house, except the Dreaded Walk In Closet, is pretty neat and tidy for the most part, well unless the grands have been here and then every room looks like a hurricane hit it but the sewing room gets pretty wild when I am on a sewing kick. I have taken the 'before' pictures and am just trying to get up the courage to go over there and post them. When I do I will be accountable............
I just got home from quilt class. I only had two students today as the rest of them had appointments or things that they had to attend to. I thought it would be an easy day so I took some of my own stuff to work on between questions. WRONG. I had one student nearly in tears over her blocks that just weren't going together well and she was getting terribly frustrated. She only has one block done out of the 12 and the rest of the class has them either done or almost done. Her problem is that she picked some very flimsy fabric which isn't 100% cotton, has some poly or something in it and it stretches and frays easily. She has spent most of her time taking out seams and redoing and then taking out again.
Gulp, now what do I do????? I didn't want a student leaving in tears and never finishing her project. I decided she needed some help getting caught up so the other lady and I started sewing, pressing & trimming those blocks with her and we got all 12 finished. The old saying 'many hands make work light' (or something like that) applies even in quilting. She was so excited and ready to rock and roll next week on her sashings. I sure appreciated the other lady giving up her time to help this gal. I have such a nice group of ladies in my class, couldn't ask for any better.
I have been reading some of my favorite sites and they have been talking about spring cleaning and it is giving me the courage to tackle the dreaded walk in closet. Now I am a 'tad' older then most of these gals that are so full of get up and go. My get up and go has somewhat gone so I don't think I will try to do as much in one day as they do so I am going to set myself up on a schedule. I think an hour and a half a day for four days should do it without breaking the bank or should I say the back. Now I just have to decide on a day to start..............
I'm all excited because T. at There is a Season tagged me for my first real meme! I did one once but I wasn't tagged for it I just saw it and did it but this is the REAL thing!
1. What time did you get up this morning? I didn't get up until 6:30 seeings as the horses are still boarded at the riding stable and I didn't have to feed.
2. Diamonds or pearls? DIAMONDS all the way, it is my birth stone!
3. What was the last film you saw in the cinema? Charlotte's Web with the grandkids.
4. What is your favorite tv show? American Idol
5. What did you have for breakfast? Two blueberry Toaster Strudel
6. What is your middle name? Ann
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian
8. What foods do you dislike? Liver, string beans, oatmeal
9. What are your favorite chips? Bar-be-cue
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Kenny Chesney
11. What kind of car do you drive? Tahoe
12. Favorite sandwich? Ham and cheese from Pat's Pizza.
13. What characteristics can't you stand? Snobby people, legalistic people and social climbers.
14. What are your favorite clothes? Jeans and a nice tee shirt.
15. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be? A dude ranch or Kentucky
16. Where is sixteen? Boarding school, mini skirts and blue eye shadow.
17. Where would you want to retire? Right here where I live now with my barn, land, kids close by, horses, cats, and of course Husband.
18. Favorite time of day? Morning.
19. Where were you born? Lincoln Maine
20. Favorite events to watch? Skating, horse jumping, gymnastics
21. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke with lots of ice!
22. Beavers or Ducks? Beavers as we have a beaver colony out back in the stream.
23. Are you a morning person or night owl ? Morning, I am in bed by 10 o'clock.
24. Pedicures or manicures? BOTH!
25. What did you want to be when you were little? A vet, horse trainer, or farmer.
26. What is your best childhood memory? Wow, there's so many I don't know where to begin! I guess it would be the day my Dad and I went out and bought my first horse and brought her home on the back of the pickup truck!
27. Ever been to Africa? Nope.
28. Ever been toilet papering? Nope, I led a sheltered life.
29. Been in a car accident? Just got hit from behind at a stop sign once.
30. Favorite day of the week? Monday
31. Favorite flower? double buttercups
32. Favorite restaurant? The Muddy Rudder
33. Favorite ice cream? Turkey Hill peanut butter cup
34. Favorite fast food restaurant? Micky D's
35. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Passed the first time.
36. From whom did you get your last e-mail? My niece Betsy.
37. What store would you like to max out your credit card? Talbot's
38. Last person you went to dinner with? A couple from church on Tuesday night, Gary and Wendy.
39.What are you listening to right now? Nothing, just enjoying the peace and quiet.
40. What is your favorite color? Yellow, remember the double buttercups?
41. How many tattoos do you have? NONE, now wouldn't that look silly on a 55 year old grandmother?
42. How many are you sending this e-mail to? Anyone who reads my blog
43. What time did you finish this blog entry? 7 pm
44. Favorite magazine? Ladies Home Journal
45. Coffee or tea? Don't drink either one
46. Do you tan easily or burn? Used to tan really easily but now I avoid too much sun.
47. Do you color your hair? Remember I said I was 55?????? Of course! Once every six weeks.
48. What is the first car you ever purchased without your parents assistance? Can't remember as it's been so long, probably a Model T
49. What is your most dreaded household chore? Washing windows.
50. Who do you tag to do this meme? Tina @ Palm Tree Fanatic!
Once again I am in front of the computer when I should be doing other things. I have been experimenting with Photo Bucket so bear with me as I try to hone my blogging expertise. Now I seem to have lost color and the ability to enlarge the print on this post. I wonder what I have hit that I shouldn't have and how I get it back????? Anyone have any ideas on this one??????? If not I'll have to call dcrmom to get me out of another mess that I've gotten myself into.
It's beautiful here in Maine today. The sun is shining, the snow melting and the temps are close to 50*, a heat wave to us! I gave my big Appy a good brushing and got tons of hair out of him, it was six inches high all the way around him on the floor and there is still a ton more. He is old so tends to really get an extremely heavy coat in the winter which has to all come out in the spring. The other four aren't shedding yet so I didn't get much out of them.
I need to go finish the princess tote that I started last night so will sign off. It is coming out soooooo cute!
It's Friday and I should be doing all sorts of things other then sitting here at my computer. I didn't go to swimming and my trainer canceled my gym appointment and my carpenter is having truck problems so isn't here yet so I am having one of those nice quiet mornings. That doesn't happen very often as my days are full with all kinds of activities that keep me hopping. My grandson is coming this afternoon as his sister has a girly birthday party to attend that he isn't invited to. Poor little guy, he is sent off to stay with Grammie while sister parties! At least Noodles and Munchkin will get a good workout as they love playing with him with a string, ping pong ball, fake mice, cat nip filled bags and all sorts of other toys.
Now I am really itching to get down into the sewing room, turn on HGTV and start working on some of these projects. Happy Friday Everyone!
The sun is out now melting the accumulation of snow that we acquired last night. It's all rather slushy out there. Tonight we're going out to dinner with friends so no cooking for me! My carpenter has been working on the sun room for the past few days. I picked out a small propane stove today to put out there as there is no heat in there now. It's so pleasant out there we decided we wanted to be able to use it all winter too. The cats love it out there as they can watch the birds, squirrels, turkeys and even two foxes today. I'm glad they were safely inside!
My sister has been here visiting for a few days so we have been making the rounds of her favorite stores. I've shopped more in the last week then in all the months since after Christmas. We hit all the antique shops the first day she was here that she likes but didn't find anything exciting. It's usually a hit or miss thing with those. Next was Marshall's this morning but it wasn't open yet so we went to the dollar store next door. Now I'm not a great fan of dollar stores but this one was loaded up on Easter supplies so we got all our stuff for our grand children's baskets. Next I had to have my license renewed so we went to do that. I even had to take an eye test but that was only about 5 seconds long and then had a new picture taken. He asked me if all the information was current on my old license and it was except my weight that was put on there when I was 16 years old. That has changed a bit.........a big bit.......but I chose to keep it the same on my new license, sort of a reminder of my thin youth.
My granddaughter is spending the night tonight. She has had her shower, is in her jammies and is playing with Noodles until it's time to go to bed. We have done some crafts, watched a movie and now supposedly are relaxing before bedtime. Tomorrow she will go with me to the gym, chiropractor and then we will do some errands which will probably include a trip to Toys R US and McDonald's Play Place.
Guess that's about it around here. No real juicy bloggy fodder but tomorrow is another day. Didn't I hear that in Gone With The Wind?
It's been a busy week. Of course the highlight was the exceptionally productive trip to the mall. There is something about getting home with lots of bags to carry in that gives one a feeling of euphoria and if you have to make two trips bringing the stuff in well that is an even higher level.
Being a Bambi lover and disliking the thoughts of shooting anything I have never understood hunters. (I bet you're wondering where this is going! ) Anywho, while shopping is a much gentler activity I had an epiphany the other day about the thrill of the kill. I was driving along and there were a bunch of men standing around the bed of a pickup admiring a dead deer that one of them had shot. I was disgusted at first at the looks on their faces until I realized it was the same look I have when having had a successful shopping excursion! My apologies to all hunters that I have given the disgusted look to, although my sport doesn't include blood so I guess I am still on a higher level. tee-hee
Thursday I had quilting class. I will say that the Calvary Cut Ups are doing well and making excellent progress on their quilts. I was feeling a bit like the mother with her first child going off to school as some of them didn't need me as much as they used to and were zipping right along.
Thursday afternoon we (the decorating committee) met with the Pastor to go over the Easter schedule to see what the decorating needs would be. Usually we have lilies that people can purchase in memory of a loved one and we use these lilies to decorate the platform. The scent of the lilies can be a bit overwhelming to those of us with allergies so this year we decided to make a memory board instead and only have a few of the pungent offenders. We are asking people to bring in a picture of a loved one that they want remembered and we will color copy it and post it on a big board that will be decorated and have names and who submitted the photo and all. We've never done it this way before so I hope people like it. Being Baptists we don't always take to change very well so I hope the decorating committee isn't tarred and feathered! LOL!
Friday was back to swimming with granddaughter's preschool group. I'm so glad I am back doing laps, it is such wonderful exercise and so much easier on my joints even if it does mean getting into the much dreaded bathing suit. I do laps for awhile, then watch the girls swim lesson and then it is play time. I always have to leave a few minutes early as I go to the gym at 10:30 but it's well worth the time and I enjoy being with the kids.
Janet, my trainer at the gym, was in hysterics laughing over my latest physical complaint. I told her I had hurt my left elbow and of course she wanted to know how and I had to admit it was from carrying too many shopping bags around on Wednesday........ I should have anticipated that response and had another less indulgent reason ready.....
Today is a blustery mix of snow, rain, freezing rain and wind. It is really a mess out there and lots of things are cancelled. My sister is here from out of town and thankfully we got our TJ Maxx run in last night before this all got really bad. It was snowing when we went but it takes more then that to keep us from a long overdue TJ Maxx visit. I put the ole' Tahoe in four wheel drive and we were fine. There were several cars off the road on the big hill near my house, nothing serious thankfully, so we took a different route and made it home fine.
Someone asked me if those flowers I posted on Wordless Wednesday were in my front yard and yes they are. I love to garden and try to come up with something a bit different each summer. Unfortunately our summers are very short so for all that work we only get to enjoy the flowers for a few months so I always take lots of pictures.
Wow, I have sure rambled on this morning. I guess I'd better sign off before everyone is totally bleary eyed or asleep. I sure do enjoy all of your posts. I try to get around to each one every day. I love hearing about your day to day lives and each one of you has a special knack for writing that makes it all so interesting. I love the pictures, recipes, memes and of course your comments on my posts make it so much fun! I'm getting very anxious for my 'new look', I've been on a waiting list for awhile but hopefully it will be soon.
There's nothing like a little retail therapy to give one a nice boost. You know how sometimes you go to the mall that there is nothing that appeals to you (not often), and then there are times where you just seem to hit the jackpot.
Yesterday Husband was going to Portland on business and I invited myself along to be dropped off at the big mall there while he met with his clients. Five hours. Yes, five hours alone at the mall without anyone else to think about, can this be a dream?!
I always go to Chico's first when I hit that mall. We don't have that store here and I really like their clothes and their costume jewelry and it always looks better in person then in the catalog. Bing Bing Bing first jackpot! They had new tops in and they were delicious colors. Grabbed some of them first and then looked at every item in the store. Now it's a smaller store but they have a lot so I guess I was there quite awhile but it was worth it as I found two pair of pants and a dressy little jacket for church. Now to be truthful the real reason I like their store is how they size the clothing. The sizes run from 0 to size three. (0 being probably an 8 and size three being a 14) I love being able to say that I picked up a few things size 3! It really does something to your self esteem, well, until you look in the mirror and you really are a 14 after all.......
Next stop the Disney Store. Again, Bing Bing Bing another jackpot! They had in a new shipment of boys swim trunks, matching tops, jackets and sandals, plus summer pj's with Minnie Mouse, Dalmatians, Pluto and Cars along with some princess nightgowns. With two birthdays soon I snagged that stuff up pretty quick.
Next on to Macy's where I had a $185.00 credit burning a big hole in my pocket. Bing Bing Bing ANOTHER jackpot! I can't wear the really high heels or the super pointed toes shoes but they have another style with a not too high heel and a little more rounded toe that fits me well and is very comfortable along with being fairly stylish. Last season I bought several different colors in this particular style and just love them but they are getting a little sad looking and I just never thought I'd find them again. When I walked in the shoe department and saw them again this year I could have cried tears of joy I was so happy. They are a little updated but basically the same shoe so I got two pair.
By this time my feet were hurting a bit so I thought I would try the nail salon and see if I could get a pedicure. Now I know it's still sort of winter here and no one sees my feet much but sometimes a girl just has to do these things. I walked in and asked when I could get in and guess what, Bingo, Jackpot Again, I got right in! I settled into the chair with the back massager on put my feet in the hot water, was in 7th heaven for about a minute and then a hot flash struck with a vengeance! It was the hot water on my feet that stirred things up. The young gal doing the pedicure looked up at my dripping face and just said "Hot flash?" I guess she has a lot of us menopausal clients.
My grandson wanted some Crocs for his birthday and again I hit it just right by finding some in the Hallmark Store and they even had the little buttons you put in the holes. I was feeling like I should buy a megabucks ticket the way my luck was running but seeings as I never have bought one before I guessed I wouldn't start now.
By this time I was ready for some dinner so I bought a magazine, got some food and sat in the food court reading and eating at a leisurely pace. I didn't want to do too much walking around as I had the bag full from Chico's, a bag full from the Disney Store, two pair of shoes from Macy's, some cards, two pair of Crocs and wrapping paper from the Hallmark Store and it was all getting pretty heavy.
I decided to stay in the food court and read as it was about 45 minutes before Husband was due to pick me up and my pocketbook just couldn't take any more Jackpots! He arrived and I loaded my bounty into the car and we headed for home. For some reason I was a bit tired from all the walking in the mall so I guess I snoozed most of the way home so it was a quick trip.
There's nothing like retail therapy...........